Questions for Cher Scholar?
You can ask questions about Cher history, Cher theory or even questions about your life.
Questions about Cher: Answers to questions about Cher history and theory
Questions about your personal problems: Forget Dear Abby! Cher Anecdotes will help solve your problem-ridden life! Spare your wallet from those hefty psychic fees. This is a free service to help solve you life’s most pathetic problems.
For instance, you think your roommate is a slob? Cher lived with the disheveled, drug-addled Gregg Allman for 2 years. She threatened to dump him if he didn’t clean-up his act. And he didn’t. So she did. See? It’s that easy.
From Dear Sonny & Cher in 16 Magazine Issues
Issue 1: Issues include: I’m too tall, Cher hair, she only wants to be a friend and I’m not attractive.
Issue 2: Issues include: How to tell if a boy likes you.
Issue 3: Issues include: Cher you are so beautiful and I’m not.
Issue 4: Issues include: This boy sure acts funny, my parents are no fun and I’m ugly.
Issue 5: Issues include: getting my own style, hair on my forearms, bad pen pals and fat thighs.
Issue 6: Issues include: boys, boys and more boys, too skinny, buck teeth and nail biters.
Issue 7: Issues include: boys, bad boys, mean girls, teeth and hair, weight loss, depression and breaking up
Issue 8: Issues include: boys, freckles, eye circles and perfection.
Part 9: Issues include: flirting, femininity, rebound dating, makeovers, parental control over teen money.
Part 10: Issues include: acne, boys as hunters, girls who wear glasses, friendships with girls and ugliness.
Part 11: Issues include: going steady, growing out your hair, little pests, square hair and surviving being grounded.
Part 12: Issues include: boys (natch!), big noses, square friends, clingy girls, girl competition for boys, shy boys.
Part 13: Issues include: competition over boys, performance anxiety, the teenage 9 year old, outgrowing our peers and girls loving football.
Part 14: Issues include: weight issues, playing hard to get, dating older people: what will your parents think?
From Cher Zine
Ask Cher Scholar from Cher Zine Vol 1
Boss-bashing, Cher Scholar-mothering, Cher-impersonating, first-date-spanking, friend-shunning, harassment-dodging, party-girling, rib-shopping, Ricky Martin-dating, self-flagellating, sister-mentoring, waiter-stiffing, wallpaper-yanking.
Ask Cher Scholar from Cher Zine Vol 2
Can poetry matter?, Can Cher covers matter?, diversify your 401(k), doggie-humping, living in Cher squalor, materialism or Cher excess, plastic surgery shopping, sexist-pig defending, too young for Cher?, vocabulary-improving, women who like Cher and the men who love them.