Last Thursday, October 5, I was also on The Megan Mullally Show for one split second. Last July, they did some coverage of the Cher Convention. I did an interview for them, my friend Christopher Brisson read some Cher haikus and they covered the events of the day, including the Cher seminar and the Family Feud game which I hosted. I was more than a tad worried they would do a Daily Show aren’t-these-people-loony sort of send-up of us based on a review of the show I had read two weeks ago. I was sweating bullets actually. I’m a Cher dork. Does America have to see me in action? I mean seriously, I can hide behind the blog. I resolved to tell no one if I found out when the show would air. Okay, not that I don’t deserve it, mind you. Obsessive behavior deserves a kick in the pants once in a while. I’m with the program, believe me. I just hate to watch myself getting the kick in the pants. But thank Buddha, they were kind. I let out a sigh of relief after the swift showing of my disheveled self passed in a lineup of Cher Scholars: Christopher, me and Javier waxing authoritatively on The Cher Show. Hours after this shot was taken (see above), I was over buying a Cher beach towel when the man running my credit card mentioned he had heard me leading the seminar. He said it was very interesting and that I had a writer’s cadence of speaking. He said “you can get over that.” What? Did he just say I talk like Kurt Loder? Which means basically I suck at public speaking, right? I thew him a fake smile and walked away with my Cher towel. Thankfully none of this horrific stiffness can be seen on Megan Mullally. You will see Phil Costa showcasing his impressive Cher trivia knowledge. Phil has entered Convention trivia contests for many years now and always came in second place due to a bad bit of luck. It’s great to see him get spotlight for his trivia prowess. There’s also funny coverage of twins Wanda Corn and Linda Vala, but unfortunately no mention of the fundraisee, the Children’s Craniofacial Association. Did someone stick a very bad wig on my head while I wasn’t looking? What is that?
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