a division of the Chersonian Institute

Cher Dolls Speak to Fan in Dreams

Cher_doll_outfit_foxy_lady First I want to comment about news last week regarding Cher’s redecoration of her house from Goth to a Buddha style, complete with Buddhist tchotchkes and whatnot. On an unrelated project, I’ve studying Zen Buddhism. I scratch my head over this new décor because it’s not very Buddhist to have a house full of Buddhist crap. It would be more Buddhist to design a room with no crap, sit in it and meditate on having less crap.

But who am I to scratch my head? I’m far from there yet, to speak for myself. For instance, I am asking for used Cher dolls for my birthday. Lots of them for an unrelated Christmas art project.

And even my dreams are materialistic. This week I dreamt I was walking through a Target store walking in an aisle by an outside wall (isn’t it weird how you know these odd details in your dreams). I came across a shelf stocked with new Cher dolls and related stuff, all in similar pink packaging from the 70s. There was even a new makeup head; and the doll itself sold outside of a box, strangely, just on a stand (with growing hair potential I could see), and a plethora of hair extensions. I especially remember a purple extension you could slap on the doll’s head. I threw one of everything into my shopping basket with great disregard for what it would cost. My dream shopping basket was full.

I’ve had similar dreams since childhood: I’d be in a store and find Cher stuff (usually rare albums with rare songs or out-takes) and I’d feel a little skip-to-my-loo in my heart. But then the dream would abruptly turn into a nightmare where a) I’d have no money and must make Sophie’s-choices between all the new-found treasures or b) I’d misplace the treasures and spend the rest of the dream trying to find them again in a frustrated panic. I should probably tell this all to my therapist.

The aforementioned dream turned into part b. I saw a little girl with a Cher 45 record – newly released to coincide with the doll line. She told me where she found it but there were none left!

What a nightmare, huh?

Truth is with all the drama going on with poetry, my job, my summer trips and my friends, I had completely forgotten about the dolls to be released this month. It’s as if my subconscious was poking me with a stick in my dreams, telling me not to forget to buy Cher dolls! My freakin’ subconscious is so much more obsessed than me!


1 Comment

  1. tyler

    OMG…I’ve had the same dreams like that for years…Now it is really bad when you have a sound track also playing while your have these…Mine was always “Shopping” from the Prisoner album…Do they have a Betty Ford for such things?

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