a division of the Chersonian Institute

Cher Week in Review

Cherbette I’ll be brief this week as I am in the midst of some dark nights of the soul this week over my writing non-career. However, in the midst of all this, one thing made me laugh out loud this week: a site simply dedicated to the absurd photos people post online of their cats with stuff on them (toys, boxes, you name it). Ridiculous but surprisingly funny. The site is called Stuff on my Cat. This weeks Cher reference was unusual and hilarious. Not what people normally pick on Cher for:

My credit card bill came this week with $500 dolares of Cher tickets on it. This did not lighten my mood any.

Chastity’s birthday just came and went. Like me, her 40s are looming nearby. It seems mum may be buying her a stylin’ lounge chair or  barcalounger as a gift. I’m trying to talk my bf into one of those. He wants to get rid of his couch for a mission-style recliner chair which looks lovely but very uncomfortable. This is a guy who likes to nap and I envision him abandoning the lovely mission-style chair and hijacking my couch every night to nap on while I’m stuck on a very lovely but uncomfortable mission chair, unable to nap myself. Thus I’m lobbying hard for the recliner. But alas, he feels too refined to recline.

Anywho, TMZ was apparently on the scene of the Cher and Cher-daughter shopping event, taking video through the store window no less.  Creepy. And yet we watch.

Cher’s competition and supposed rival, Bette Midler, opened her Caesars show this week. I’m interested to see how they will compare:

And here’s more on the story that the Cher catalog was part of the song titles of Universal sold to a Dutch civil service workers pension fund. I’m sorry this wont be turning up as a 401(k) choice for us.



  1. jimmydeanPartee

    my computer dropped the “Y”
    on the word “your boyfriend”, because, I spelt MTN Chabernay in keyboard and now the y and
    the u stick…. 🙂
    I should ask CherScholar
    for a SuzieHome-maker cleaning tip, hun????

  2. jimmydeanPartee

    one of those MISSCHER tickets are mine, RIGHT????
    I PROMISE to keep my hands off of our gorgeous, sexy
    AND, remember, whatever happens in Vegas; stays in
    Vegas… If he don’t tell;
    I WILL!!!!! 🙂

  3. youngbees

    Mary I feel your pain. Cher Tickets, Cher airfair, Cher hotel room all at once…but hey we only live ONCE!
    Enjoy enjoy Enjoy

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