a division of the Chersonian Institute

Remember When Cher was in a Gang?

BodylangFirst things news: Cher is back! Reports say she had an upper respiratory illness but she's back on stage this week. Also, JimmyDean and I have been having a lively political conversations on the election post. And…I’m working hard on a long post about Sonny & Cher’s Italian and French singles from a CD Cher scholar Peter sent me. Hopefully, that post will be coming shortly.

In the meantime, my Jack-Nicholson-fan friend sent me this interview of Cher, Susan Sarandon and Michelle Pfeiffer circa Witches. I love it when celebrity obsessions collide.

The first thing I thought was that it's odd to see Cher share an interview again. And after all these years I still can figure out Cher and Sarandon’s relationship: indifferent, bad, good? At the time, I remember rumors about how things got off to a rocky start when Cher switched from the part of Jane to Alex. But then I can easily see how these two personalities would clash, although they share similar views and might possibly have bonded under the pressure of the severe sexist-pig behavior they suffered at the hands of their director, George Miller. Cher and Pfeiffer did get along well and hung out…as this clip tells, they went to see Ruthless People together…without Saranadon.

Cher's body language is noticeably cold as she sits next to Sarandon and she never makes eye contact with Sarandon until they all start talking about Sarandon's having to learn to play tennis and a musical instrument. Suddenly, Cher warms up. However, Cher does mention being up all night the night before making the Cher (1987) album so maybe she's just tired.

I loved the behind the scenes information Pfeiffer adds about how they had to spend three days in the pool for that scene at Daryl Van Horne's mansion and how it was difficult to corral all those tow-headed kids of Sukie's.

This interview is also representative of Cher’s nicknaming tendencies. Jack Nicholson is Johnny,  Susan becomes Sue. I forgot what she called Michelle…I think it was Misha. Here's the conversation I had with my friend about it:

RemovedCherRib: i am trying to find Cher's nickname for Michelle Pfeiffer
OzzyBat: is it "mish" like "meesh"?
RemovedCherRib: yeah…i was thinking Misha. it bothers me that this is even remotely stuck in our memory banks
OzzyBat: sigh. many hours spent rewatching those interviews on vhs tape. they did like 3 days of interviews for today. I
remember being so pissed off at jane pauley because she kept making faces when they would talk about jack being sexy. They were always talking about their tennis lessons and cher kept telling her free floating anxiety story.

Can this Jimmy Carter reporter make them all sound any dumber??  I am not usually bothered hearing gals called 'Girl' – remember my previous conversation about Riot Grrrls. However, when this guy says 'girl,' it sounds like little girls not kick-ass grrrls. And it's annoying.

Is it worth noting that  they all have their legs spread out in an open formation? Is this Freudian? Are they still pissed at Miller and asserting themselves subconsciously?

And who would use that God awful couch for interviews?



  1. jimmydeanpartee

    the S&C songs…. i am working on a list of the ultimate S&C audio/VIDEO stuff through the years…
    I figure the best person to have this stuff is
    michael michaud:
    he has the greatest, but the most expensive product availiable….
    i told the truth and he better not diss me….
    love and kisses

  2. jimmydeanpartee

    it’s because,
    cher and susan are both strong, demanding, lesbian, tops and they can’t concede to each other….
    although, i think, cher could most certainly be a bottom… she likes it….
    don’t WE ALL…..

  3. jimmydeanpartee


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