a division of the Chersonian Institute

News Wrap-Up (Kooza, Liza, Fans, Body Image)

Cherkooza2 While I’ve been beyond-my-mind busy. Beyond, beyond, beyond. Muti-tasking every minute of the day. As I type this, I’m thinking about an email I need to write to the caterer about the groom adding another person to the rsvp list a day after I turned final numbers into them and two days after printing and laminating all the seating “library” cards! …which are very very kewl, by the way. Do you know how calming the lamination process can be to a frazzled bride-to-be?

Do you know how stressful Beauty (or in some cases non-beauty) can be?  And I'm up to my ears in programs, programs, programs!! In times like these, I depend on Cher World for my Cher news stories…

In Santa Moncia Cher goes to see Kooza show and we see her pictured at the gate.

So we do know she is going to see Cirque de Soleil shows.

More info on the show: 

At the Coloseum,  Cher surprised the five-millionth Coloseum ticket-buyer since Celine Dion opened the theater back in 2003 with back stage passes and front row seats.  Lucky Jason Hernandez!

That story also had this tidbit:

Also rumours are circulating that CHER is keen to tour Europe and possibly the world with a SUPER tour next year after the release of her next studio album and movie Burlesque.  Cher is said to be in talks with management and whilst her Farewell Tour was supposed to be Cher’s last, the last laugh may be with Cher with a Farewell Farewell Tour Part II.


Cher was also visited at the Coloseum by Liza Minnelli recently. Sweet!! I love these gals. They should doCherlizaminelli a single! Or what about a whole album: Cher and Other Fantasies Deux. Duets with all women: Tina, Liza, Stevie Nicks, Cyndi Lauper, Annie Lennox, (not Aretha please), some ballads, some dance, some real grrrl power! A few young gals, a few older gals, a few forgotten gals. Sigh. That would be sweeter than sweet.

Speaking of sweet and tear-jerking, Cher met with a long time fan and pancreatic cancer-victim recently. I love this story, I really do.

Tom Moore is 53 years old and in hospice care, which means he is in his final stages of his cancer. To celebrate his wife’s 50th birthday, they decided to go to Vegas, renew their vows and see the Cher shew. Cher obliged, gifting them a room at Caesars, a limo, VIP tickets, and back-stage passes. Tom has had a crush on Cher since childhood and owns all her albums.  It’s a really touching story by Cathy Dyson, detailing their trip backstage and how Kathy contacted Cher.

 “I’ve led a blessed life,” he said, trying to keep his eyes open through the pain and fog of medicine.

 “I’ve met the love of my life, I’ve traveled the world and served the greatest country on earth.” Then, as Kay patted his knee, Tom added: “I’ve had a good life, a very good life.”

And Cher At Home…Cher, like the rest of us, has body issues.

She said:

“I was underweight all my life. So thin, no matter what I did. I was one of those active kids. Then, a few years ago, for the first time ever, I suddenly had to watch what I ate.

“Your metabolism changes, and if you eat the same, it goes to all the wrong places. On the hips, round the middle, the arms. I had to up the exercise to get less of a result.”

I can relate.


1 Comment

  1. jimmydeanpartee

    advertizing that weight loss program?????????

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