a division of the Chersonian Institute

Wedding Photos

Oh my…so much to blog about…so little energy with this flu I caught on my honeymoon!

The Cherlights: my friends chipped in and got me the ringmaster doll for my wedding! What a surprise! I love it!

I also want to talk about the end of the book Julie & Julia which I read on my honeymoon. I didn't like the book but I did feel the end related in some ways to this blog. I also can't wait to talk about the honeymoon: a drive up to Oregon and back. Between my mom's hometown, the dreary fishing & lumber village of Port Orford and the town to the north, Bandon, there is a Bono road. I remembered this from my childhood. There was also a local fishing boat called Half Breed.

Anyway, the wedding was quite fairy tale. And I'll describe it in detail as soon as possible.Here are some good pics:

Taken by our photographer Stephanie Howard

Our venue, the Redondo Beach Historic Library, taken by Stephanie Howard


Before the wedding, taken my by mother-in-law, Donna McCray

My groom and me behind the library, taken by Donna McCray

Our tables, taken by my boss, Marc Salvatierra

Father daughter dance to Sonny & Cher's "Turn Around", taken by Marc

Taken by Marc

Our table cards made to look like library card catalog files, taken by Dave Fein

Our seating cards made to look like library cards, taken by Marc Salvatierra

Taken by Stephanie Howard



  1. Photo Booth Manchester

    I had a fun time studying all your marriage weblog and I must say that you had done an excellent job!

  2. Wedding Photographers in Oklahoma

    I had a great time reading all your wedding blog and I must say that you had done a great job!

  3. Juicy Couture Handbags

    while sending a message to Eric via a black bird, stating that he will return to claim the throne. creazy!

  4. marriage

    wow. that’s the best one yet. I really love the feel it evokes,absolutely a perfect wedding.Great work!

  5. Cher Scholar

    Thank you RP and Dann! Dann, I have not taken my doll out of the box. I have a two doll box rule. Do not take the doll out of the box unless you have two dolls so you will always have one MIB!

  6. Cher Scholar

    JD, no need to apologize! Please continue to be your jealous self! This blog needs a good foil indeed. I have more to say about your post…don’t know where to begin about the Gemini brother I do indeed have. He is not gay but he does have this jake gyllenhaal quality my friends continually crush on (even at the wedding…sigh). I do know of May Sarton…she’s in many of my poetry anthologies. But it’s her novel I want to read, “The Small Room.” Please send your Cher poem if you’re open to sharing it.

  7. Dann

    Mary: Congratulations! — it sounds like your wedding day was perfect! And that is so cool that you got the Ringmaster Cher Doll — you definitely have some great friends!! Have you taken her out of the box yet?

  8. Robrt Pela

    Who knew you were so babe-alicious?
    Nice photos. Beautiful dress, and you and your groom look divine. Congratulations.

  9. jimmydeanpartee

    i am very sorry, that i said those things!!!!!
    i need to learn to be
    more “nicer”… and i will
    probably, hidden, in my reactions are the fact i have “jealousy”, because
    you are living the life
    i want to live…and by the
    i wish you well…..
    ps- i wrote a “Cher Poem”
    on Facebook…it came out of no where… and do you
    know whom May Sarton is???

  10. jimmydeanpartee

    im so glad you’re back…and i am very jealous… Hell, i would love to FUCK your husband…easy to get to what with that skirt and all….and HE is CUTE!!!!!!!
    you MUST tell us about the
    Wedding NITE!!!! did you take pictures on your cell
    phone??? πŸ™‚
    OK, seriously, i like these
    3 photos:
    1. taken by our photographer
    SH. (the 1st one; B/W….)
    2. father/daughter dance by marc.
    3. the next one taken by MARC…BOTH of you look SO
    royal there; so STAR like….YOU are so beautiful
    looking there and HE is so
    handsome looking….
    ps… is your gemini brother
    gay???? πŸ™‚

  11. cherhappy

    Beautiful! And thank you for chering your photo’s and stories with us Mary. I look forward to reading more. Feel better soon!

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