a division of the Chersonian Institute

Cher’s Many BFFs

Santa Fe Okay…so the big news is (and the reason I’ve been so behind in these postings) is that my hubby and I are moving to Santa Fe, New Mexico, to work on a few projects. I’m going to work on a writing project and John is going back to school to get his masters in archeology/anthropology/southwestern studies.

I’ve made many moves in my life but this is one of the most bittersweet to be sure. I have so many great friends that I’ve made in LA. Then there’s the book fair, the Ojai art fair in Oct, the sunshine, the ocean, all the Dr. Seuss-like horticulture, the special movie screenings…

But if I’ve learned anything from the Cher story, it’s that the more things change, the more they stay Paulette the same. Take for instance her working relationships with her wig lady (she’s had the same one for like forever), or her long-time relationship with Bob Mackie, or all those houses she designed with Ron Wilson. Or her friendships with Doriana Sanchez and Paulette Betts. In fact, Paulette and Cher have been through decades of drama, Cher’s divorce from Sonny, their marriages to Allman Brothers’ band members, all Cher’s concert shows, infomercials, and paparazzi dramas.

On the outside, Cher seems to change into a whole new person every five years but relationship-wise, much stays the same.

Similarly, I met Julie about 15 years ago on the first day of graduate school at Sarah Lawrence near NYC. Our mutual friend Murph (who recently sent me an awesome wedding gift, a Rodin reproduction of two sculpted hands, she sent she said before thinking I may have carpel tunnel…which I thought was very funny) introduced us because we were sitting on either side of her and we were both two gals who had grown up in St. Louis. Julie and I bonded instantly over our underground passion for pop culture while we studied among those who despised it.

We started Ape Culture, an online pop culture zine and co-wrote a book of haikus about our hometown. She was also integral in my finishing the second Cher Zine, bucking me up when I almost gave up on it. We kept projects going while she went back to St. Louis for a semester to take care of her ailing mom (she lured me into the world of the Internet at that time…I still remember my first “Cher” search from a Sarah Lawrence computer lab she talked me into signing on to in order to use one of her email accounts) and while Julie spent almost a year in Australia and I had moved to Lancaster, PA.

0026_McCray-LoRes-WEB_20091114 Julie was the first woman I ever met with a no-holds-bared sense of humor. And seeing that, I was brave enough to try to be funny myself. Julie also talked me into driving on my onw in Manhattan and (albeit slowly) embracing technology (which is how I am blogging to you at this very moment).

My life has become infinitely richer from being friends with her. We have spent years tooling around New York City together (Halloween parades, literary readings and hole-in-the-wall restaurants) and years tooling around LA together (nerds interviewing celebrities after movie screenings). We’ve been through drama with boys, drunken New Year’s moments, and we even won a dog on a TV reality show. I don’t expect any of the mayhem to cease, even though I am moving away for a few years. I full expect us to be helping each other out of future jams in the coming decades and after that as old ladies touring Europe on our retirement funds.

Julie’s St. Louis Cardinal Blog

Julie and Jello



  1. Anthony Katz

    From The Department of Obscure Facts:Paulette workedinMYfather’s womens clothing store, Ehrlebachers,’71,Chevy Chase MD (where Jackie Kennedy bought her trouseau). She managed the “Sport Port” part of the store. She met Cher in the store in late ’71, when Sonny & Cher were appearing in DC. Thx to my father, I met and happily dated Paulette in the summer/fall of ’71. Pls pass my email greetings onto her! AR Katz

  2. jimmydeanpartee

    stop wishing them “their
    best endeavors”
    LET’S find out what the
    fuck is going on????

  3. Julieandjello.wordpress.com

    awww…you’re gonna make me cry at work (wouldnt be the first time). i just saw this today – thanks for writing it. I feel the same – 2 states cant derail our friendship if being in another hemisphere didnt. I love you and wish you guys the best on your creative endeavors.

  4. jimmydeanpartee

    how can the two of you just up and move like that?
    what about your jobs?
    what about your security?
    can you still keep working
    in your current job positions…. there, in
    Santa Fe….
    do you have $$$ saved?
    what will become of you????
    what about the OCEAN for
    MY god i must sound like
    your mothers, hun????
    im jealous….because,
    one again you are living
    my life….MaryElizabeth…
    actually, i want to know the
    specifics… are you able to do this because—
    the transition will not effect your current jobs and
    like ME in many years past… i just threw “sable
    aside”(lily tomlin) and
    caution to the wind……
    AND, said:
    “what the fuck…. i have a
    few dollars in my pocket..
    let’s do this…..?”

  5. Judy Chabot

    Mary, my mom recently talked to yours, and we learned of the plans for the big move :)) I’m very excited for you and John!
    I thought of you two today when a friend of mine, who lives in the Loire Valley, had a lovely photo of the Cher up today on his blog — and here it is!:

  6. Rob

    Mary…..Sincere best wishes for your new life in New Mexico!

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