a division of the Chersonian Institute

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Twitter-cherhat Is that Cher tweet pic with a bull? That looks perilous! If she gets gored at least she'll go to the hospital looking awesome in a cowboy hat!

There have also been some great pics fans have done superimposing Cher's face onto great paintings, my favorite being the Frida Kahlo one. I'm hesitant to repost them here without knowing the mashup-artist's name.

The Kathy Griffin exchanges are interesting…you know real girl fights wouldn’t show up on Twitter. 

who is Kathleen? Red haired comedienne who used 2 b 1 of my Closest dearest most beloved friends ?  (April 7)

Worried about Cher's back pains! Especially lower back pains!

  • Lovelies Procedure went well if u can't live without needles in your back ! Ugh ! I'm fine, but id rather go shopping Xxx me (April 6)
  • on plane (windy )2LA ! Re procedure ID RATHER Xx GLEN BECK ! NONONO What am I saying? (April 6)
  • Hi lovelies home from SanFran In my bed! Heating pad on lower back! Had 2 NASTY FALLS IN LV (April 6)
  • Lovelies! Itsy bitsy pain in back awakened me ! Think I've got a few good min left in me ! (April 7)
  • Ok lovelies lying flat on bed like dr said, but its a bore & hurts ! Oh ice ! you missed me a tiny bit 2nite! nice 2 b missed Xxme (April 8)
  • Feel'n way Good 2day ! Back ( hold your breath) No Pain ! Lotta Gain ! (Apr 8)


Cher's tweet pic: a herd of ugg boots.

And we all know she loves Audrey & Katharine Hepburn but one fan asks about favorite leading men and she agrees with a list of Cary Grant, Gregory Peck and Jimmy Stewart (April 5)



 I particularly love Cher's advice tweets:

  • favorite bedtime snack besides Kathleens olive sandwich? My Mothers OLIVE Sandwich ! NOW Mine ! (April 7)
  • remedies 4 sunburn? R there great OTC preps? Ole school Baking soda & water into thick WET paste apply! MessY (April 7)
  • how do you deal when your peers tell you that you're not good enough for something??? Change Peers ! (Apr 5)
  • HOW DO U BLOCK NEGATIVE ENERGY FROM OTHER PEOPLE? Cry then say " fk them " 2 a friend (April 5)

And she's still trying to help the little kid with ecxema. Poor fella.

Nite lovelies am really tired ! Need find tweet little boy with ex-ema sp) Xxx me (April 5)

And she goes introspective….

have you ever had to do something that you didn't want to but had to do to survive? Ahh Yes ! (April 5)

what has been 1 of the most difficult time in your lifetime!' not now ! Write it in book ! Must Tell MY Story MY WAY (Apr 5)

oohh…so she's thinking about telling her story!

you doing autobiography? Not yet ! gotta b little older ( as if that's poss.) & a few people gotta get senile (April 5)

Oh yeah. I hear that.

I don't listen 2 my music! As a matter of fact I'm always alittle embarrassed when I'm out & it comes on ! Hide my face & giggle (April 8)



Cher tweet pic with Peter Gallagher. What's off-kilter here is seeing Cher in an office!

What a beige environment for her!! I just seems so wrong! Like someone will ask her to type something or take dictation.

Ron_Zimmerman: Legendary Director Passes Away and richard benjiman seems to b immortal. so unfair. Bad z (April 9)

Well…no intention to bash Richard because I actually like him as a character actor (that scavenger hunt movie, that movie where he played the cuckolded husband to George Hamilton's Dracula). He's got his own charm. But as a director? I do not feel he saved Mermaids from quasi-drama-quasi-comedy purgatory. I'm just sayin.


1 Comment

  1. Barbara

    Hey there,
    I’d like to link your site on my blog, it’s gonna be full of Cher stuff, reviews, pictures, updates yada yada yada
    I love your site and I think that the facts yo present are pretty accurate and well researched, being a trivia nut when it comes to Cher myself I’m always impressed about what you know. Knowing other fans that don’t have a friggin’ clue.
    Just don’t wanna get my ass sued so let me know.
    Barbara (oceaneyesofloss@aim.com)
    PS: Tried to send this twice as a email, didn’t work.

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