MadonnaThe Armenian Reporter is doing a story about an 89-year old Arizonian, Christian, Armenian painter Charles Garo Takoushian, (you know he's Armenian because his name rhymes with Armenian), who has refashioned the Madonna holding Jesus in Cher's image.

Before you lose it, (with outrage or laughter, depending upon your religious point of view), listen to his argument:

"As for the image of Cher as a Madonna, I thought —
well — she is a Madonna," he explains. "When I first saw Cher's
picture on the cover of a magazine, I felt there was a similarity to
Madonna. When you get down to the reality of it all, who knew what the
Madonna really looked like?"…"In Cher's case, her beauty
continues to prevail, despite the years that have befallen her," he
points out. "She's accomplished so very much with her life and hasn't
forgotten her Armenian heritage. I took some liberties with the

The Cher painting served as a
focal point during an exhibit at St. Apkar's Armenian Church festivities
last November. But speaking of stars who ignore thair fan mail (or fan Madonna paintings), the Armenian Reporter asked him if Cher will ever get to see it? He says,"I offered it to her but never got an answer from her agents."

Well, imagine all the fan portraits that have "befallen her" along with all those years. However, this one gets the Cher Scholar blue ribbon for fan-tastic originality.