ChermomDetails are coming together on Cher's Mother's Day tribute to Georgia Holt. It will be titled "Dear Mom, Love Cher" and will air on Lifetime, May 6 at 10 p.m. PT/ET. Press information states,

Dear Mom, Love Cher provides a rare peek into Cher’s family
history and features interviews with not only with Holt and Cher, but
also Cher’s sister Georganne LaPiere Bartylak, and Holt’s grandchildren
Chaz Bono and Elijah Blue Allman, promises Lifetime.

The documentary begins with Holt’s beginnings in rural Arkansas and
runs through her six tumultuous marriages while pursuing a career among
Hollywood’s elite as a singer and actress.

Dear Mom, Love Cher includes a never-before-heard duet
performance with Holt and Cher, along with the long-lost recordings Holt
taped more than three decades ago that Cher has re-mastered for
commercial release later this year.

“This project started as a gift for my mom’s 86th birthday,” says
Cher, 66, in the release, adding: “Like most things in my family, it was
initiated by my sister Georganne, who asked me if I could update mom’s
album. So I went BIG (I’m known in the family for doing that),” said
Cher. “My sister and I are proud of our mom and we want to share her
with the world. My mom is EXACTLY like ‘Rocky.’ She NEVER gives up!
Well…if we must nit-pick, they aren’t totally alike. Rocky is a
fictitious boxer and mom’s a singer. He’s younger and a man. Other than
that they are the same person! FIGHTERS.”

This should be a great special. To publicize her latest projects, Cher has been doing some interviews including,

  • Cher and her mom posed for Entertainment Weekly online.
  • A phone interview with Patricia Sheridan from the Post Gazette. Listen to it here or read the pared down transcript here. What's interesting to me about this interview is the comment, "I could answer every question that you would ask and you still wouldn't know me. I would still have my privacy. I wouldn't lie to you….I have such a private core." And I just blogged about that recently. I so should get an A in Cher class! I also enjoyed hearing Cher talk about how she would sing with her mother and her grandfather and uncle would play guitar. All those childhood details are so interesting. I didn't even know how well she knew her grandfather.
  • Cher did an interview with Michael Logan for TV Guide about her co-host gig on TCM with Robert Osborne. This is an interesting discussion where Cher talks about why she finds older films more progressive than current films. And she calls Robert Osborne Robby. Of course. And she talks about whatever happened to her dream of remaking The Enchanted Cottage.
  • Cher also spoke about having done an interview for People Magazine. Be on the lookout.