a division of the Chersonian Institute

Moonstruck Chocolate from Portland, Oregon

IMG_9009My friend Paul from IAIA gave me this lovely Moonstruck Milk Chocolate Sea Salt Toffee bar last week. His wife is the chocolate and tea maestro at the local Whole Foods establishment in Santa Fe.

The bar was creamy chocolate with a toffee crunch. Very tasty.

The proprietors of this bar are Moonstruck Chocolate Company out of Portland, Oregon. Each bar contains two servings (right!) and has 240 calories in each serving of which 140 are fat calories.

Their motto goes:

The first cocoa beans were a gift of love from Venus herself. So, keep in mind the seductive qualities of Moonstruck Milk Chocolate Sea Salt Toffee may make you do unusual things. Love is funny that way. Actually, you can't buy love.

First of all I know what Moonstruck Milk Chocolate Sea Salt Toffee makes me do, it made me eat this whole dang bar. Secondly, I think the Olmec Indians would be surprised to learn that the first cocoa beans were a gift from some Roman lady in the sky named Venus.

IMG_9012The chocolate bar itself is stamped with the words: "Share if You Dare."

I did not dare give my husband a share larger than two squares.

1 Comment

  1. Bruce Barton

    Oh how I loved seeing their shop and to enjoy the chocolate. We stayed less than a block away while we were in beautiful downtown Portland and made a trip to the store every day…sometimes twice! 🙂

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