a division of the Chersonian Institute

Not Bad for a Shy Girl










Thank you to Cher scholar Laurie Dudley who pointed out that Cher has hit a new milestone today: she has been recording for officially 50 years! Not bad for such a shy gal.

Laurie says:

"…pleasingly, Cher's release history now officially spans 50 years from
backing vocals on "Be My Baby" in 1963 to Georgia's album in 2013."

After this post, I'll be downloading Georgia's album and watching the TV appearances over the next few days. I won't be back to post until mid-May due to our big celebration here for Mr. Cher Scholar's graduation. I'm very proud of Mr. Cher Scholar. He's now an official archaeologist. Now I have to clean the house before my mom gets here next week.

Enjoy the Cher stuff everyone and I'll see you on the other side for some explication and scholarin!


1 Comment

  1. cherstyler


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