Our landlord called last weekend. He needs to move back into our house. So this means I'll need to spend the next month or so seeking shelter, packing and moving. I'll be MIA for a while.
But before I go I'd like to cover a few odds and ends.
Finn Hudson, RIP
I was horribly sad to hear of Glee-star Cory Monteith's death from an overdose at the impossible age of 31. I love that show and couldn't help but feel its positivity and bubble of perfectness extended to its stars' lives. Considering what Cory's co-star and girlfriend Lea Michele must be going through right now, it's hard not to think of the stress and worry Cher probably must have felt back in 1976 and 1977 when she was married to Gregg Allman. Living with an addict, the possible outcomes must haunt you daily. It's probably no minor miracle Gregg Allman is still alive today. Unfortunately, Lea Michele was not spared in this regard.
Scary Movies
In 2011 I used this blog to post an open letter to the horror movie industry. I'm happy to say they fullfilled my request with the movie The Conjuring. This old-fashioned haunted house movie scared the bejesus out of me last week. I loved the performances, the back story, the inter-cutting of scenes…all of it: top notch. Plus a plethora of early 1970s sets and parphernalia! Both scary and fun.
Cher Zine
Just as Cher has been spending time performing in Russia over the last year, Cher Zine also made an appearance there, at the ZineShow in Ukraine.
I'm sure my celebrity scholarship fit right in with the underground political screeds and punk zines.
Ben Folds Five and The Cher Experience
Finally, my iPod shuffle served up one of my favorite Cher-referencing songs that probably doesn't realize it references Cher, Ben Folds Five's song "Best Imitation of Myself." Ben Folds may not realize this song is about Cher, but it is. I've made one slight alteration in the lyric to solidify the simpatico.
I feel like a quote out of context
withholding the rest
so I can be free what you want to see.I got the gesture and sounds,
got the timing down.
It's uncanny, yeah you'd think it was me.Do you think I should take a class
to lose my (Elvis) accent?
Did I make me up
or make this face til it stuck?
I do the best imitation of myself.The "problem with you" speech
you gave me was fine
like the theories about my little stage.
And I swore I was listening
but I started drifting
around the part about me acting my age.Now if it's all the same
I've people to entertain.
I juggle one handed
do some magic tricks and
the best imitation of myself.Maybe I'm thinkin myself in a hole,
wonderin who I am when I outa know.
Straighten up now time to go
fool somebody else,
fool somebody else.Last night I was east with them,
west with them,
trying to be for you what you want to see.
But I can't help it
With you the good and bad comes through.
Don't want you hanging out with no one but me.And if it's all the same
it comes from the same place.
If my mind's somewhere else
you won't be able to tell.
I do the best imitation of myself.
Yes, it's uncanny you see.
You'd really think it was me,
the best imitation of myself,
I do the best imitation of myself.
That's all for now. I'll write when I can.
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