Jack LaLanne has died at the age 96. Cher did commercials for Jack LaLanne Health Spas in the late 80s.
LaLanne was known as the Godfather of Fitness. He died in Morro Bay, California, of complications from pneumonia.
Everyone should lift a weight today in his honor.
Cher saw Burlesque three times and loved it more each time I saw it. You’re still a fantastic actress and songster. Would love you in my movie The House Of CupCakes or The CB Social Club. A. R. Alan on Facebook and aralanbooks.com
Cher saw Burlesque three times and loved it more each time I saw it. You’re still a fantastic actress and songster. Would love you in my movie The House Of CupCakes or The CB Social Club. A. R. Alan on Facebook and aralanbooks.com