a division of the Chersonian Institute

Category: Cher News (Page 3 of 17)

Movie and Concert News

ConcertThere's been so much Cher news over the last month and a half, I feel like I can’t keep up sometimes. So I have great sympathy for Daniel of Cher News when he announced recently that he is going to stop posting again. Such a good news source, especially for overseas stories.

There was plenty of Flint water crisis movie news this week, (all the way to Belfast!), especially when last week news broke that Cher was dropping out due to a family crisis, which allegedly involves her ailing mother, Georgia. Our thoughts and prayers to Georgia and her many loved ones.

Here are the news stories about it:

ET Online
TV Line
Ace Showbiz  

The documentary Cries from Syria also came out on HBO along with versions of Cher's new song "Prayers for the World." I’ve recorded the movie but I've been afraid to watch it. The violence and suffering warning has scared me from it. I need to grow some stones and do it already. Here's a review of the movie, Cher's song with film footage, Cher's song without film footage.

Cher also tweeted about an Armenian genocide movie she found moving called The Promise. Thank you to Cher scholar Tyler for that link and for also locating this news footage about Cher’s visit to Armenia.

Classic Cher is now in Washington D.C. for a spell and apparently has a new “Lie to Me” interlude.

Some local reviews of the show:

Other interviews & promotion for the tour:

The Washington Post did an interview with Cher that's annoyingly showing up verbatim everywhere else: "Cher on EGOT-ing, politicking and touring once more (Watertown Daily Times) and "Cher still rocking in new shows" (Journal Gazette) are two examples.

ViewCher was also on The Talk for a full hour. It was fun to see the hosts dressed up as Cher, (Sharon Osbourne is tiny!), and you can really see the influence of Graham Norton and Andy Cohen on talk shows now which are mostly a sequence of Cher games. How else do you come up with original questions to ask someone who has been interviewed over and over again for over 50 years? It was nice to see Bob Mackie brought into the interview mix for some variety.

Reviews of the show:

Cher also did new Entertainment Tonight appearances. Some clips:

Online Cher Stuff: Tweet Fails, Song Covers, Summits and Plays

CowboyThe Internet is great. It gives us Cher coverage in various forms almost constantly. It's become hard to keep up.

The Tweets

There was a "latest Cher Tweet snafu" when she accidentally forwarded a tweet with a penis avatar in it. What's to apologize for this? I don't know but drama did ensue.

Cher Logs Off Twitter After Accidentally Retweeting A Dick Pic

Cher Takes a Break from Twitter After Accidentally Retweeting a Dick Pic Avatar

Okay the headlines are hilarious and it gives new punch to the term Freudian Slip. Cher is right: Twitter is unforgiving.  And very funny. Cher is, after all, only human. She's made mistakes. But she's "in command of lost control."

The YouTubes

At work one day last week I was in the mood for some "Cowboy’s Work Is Never Done" and since my iPod is a busted mess, I went on to the dark interwebs and found this amazing thing of pronoun weirdness from Diego's Umbrella's 2012 gypsy rock version.


The show ‘Last Man on Earth’ invaded Cher’s house in a latest episode. Spoiler and fragile-fan alert, in the "cameo" clip Cher has passed on to that Bob Mackie closet in the sky. Kristen Schaal is seen below trying on Cher outfits as the group hides out in Cher's Malibu house. I can't really tell but this almost looks like her house. What do you think?


Cher attended the Young World Summit in Ottowa and spoke about elephants and Trumps. Here is video from the UK's Independent and summary text with video from Cher World.



A few weeks back I found this online version of New York Magazine with Cher and Robert Altman on the cover with a story about Come Back to the Five and Dime, Jimmy Dean on Broadway. Read a more in-depth story about Cher's near-death experience with a monster vitamin. Scary.


Cher and Hills Force One

Cher-provincetSo I went on vacation in August to see my parents in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. A lot happened while I was gone. A lot. Cher did quite a bit of stumping for Hillary Clinton over the last few weeks and kept up her pressure on The Hairpiece.

Before the fundraisers

Cher Joining Hillary Clinton for Provincetown Fundraiser (Out.com)

If you’re on Hillary’s mailing list (I donated once just for the Woman Card), you got a chance to meet Cher in Provincetown. I didn't see the email when it came in, (because I disconnect completely on VACA!), so Mr. Cher Scholar entered us to win. That was just one super-husband thing he did while we were in Pennsylvania. He also power-washed and stained my Dad’s deck in 90-degree heat.

Oh, and he gave up NFL football on Direct TV so I could get The Sonny & Cher Comedy Hour but more on that in another post). :-/

Here's the email for the Provincetown contest:

Hillary Clinton <info@hillaryclinton.com>
Aug 18 at 1:15 PM
To: [Cher Scholar]

Mary, I’m really excited about this one: Cher will be joining me on Sunday for an event in Provincetown, Massachusetts — and you could be there.

Will you add your name for the chance to join us?

It’s bound to be a fun time, but more than that, it’s a chance for us to check in before we reach the final weeks of this campaign. Knowing that I have the support of a team like you keeps me going out there on the trail — so I’d like to say thank you and hear what you’ve been up to while I’ve been campaigning.

We’ll even cover your transportation and hotel, so you can relax and enjoy the evening.

Don’t miss this chance to join me (and Cher!) in Provincetown on Sunday:

Add my name [button]


Cher-providence-2016After the fundraisers

Raising Money for Clinton, Cher Sounds Off (and Not Just About Trump) (New York Times)

Audience video of Cher speaking in Provincetown (Facebook)

Another perspective of the same event (YouTube)

Cher Spills the Tea on Her Pal Hillary Clinton (The Advocate)

‘Miserable’ Cher Wages Bizarre Twitter War On Donald Trump (Radar Online)  – Right wing spin continues to describe Cher as has been (“Fast-fading Cher” s waging an internet war against Donald Trump to get attention and restart her fizzled career — but the crafty presidential candidate has devastated the “Believe” singer by leveling her as a washed-up has-been.") Facts never seem to back up their hopes that she is a flash-in-th- pan…as these headlines show…

Cher, Hillary Clinton wow crowd at Provincetown fundraiser (Cape Cod Times)

Cher Raises Cash for Hillary, Calls Trump 'the Worst Person I've Ever Seen' (Extra)

Clinton Raises Cash During Campaign Events on Cape and Islands (Cape Cod Times)

Ptown swoons for Hillary and Cher (Washington Blade)

Cher insults Trump, with gusto, at Clinton fundraiser (Yahoo! News)

Cher defiant after harsh takedown of Trump (CNN)

They also went to Miami: Cher raises $130,000 for Hillary Clinton in Miami (Tampa Bay Times)

Then we received an email from Cher herself:

From: Cher <info@hillaryclinton.com>
Date: 8/20/2016 8:30 AM (GMT-05:00)
To: [Mr. Cher Scholar]
Subject: Hi❗❗

Mr. C.S. —

I'm known for my emoji-heavy tweets, so I wanted to send You an emoji-heavy email (a.k.a mail emoji).

I'm Proud 2 Support Hillary, Mr. C.S.‼️

Earlier this summer, I had the honor of speaking at a concert for her in Los Angeles — and spent [clock emoji] with her too. I CALLED HILL “MY PRESIDENT” — it meant SO MUCH to watch her win the nomination [tears of joy emoji] .

She’s sincere, I admire her hard work, & I like her. NO MATTER WHAT PPL THINK  [sparkling heart emoji]. #ImWithHer, and I’m going to be so proud to join her at an event in Provincetown tonight.

If you're #WithHer too, chip in RIGHT NOW to make sure she [bee emoji] comes our next POTUS❗❗

You’re one of our most committed supporters. Because you've saved your payment information, your donation will go through immediately:

Mr. Cher Scholar Donate [Buttons: $75, $25, $50, $100, $200]

Provincetown Wc

Election Tweets, the Tabloids, I Paralyze and the Importance of a Good Wig

Trainofth2It seems I've developed an inability to blog in the month of July. And a lot seems to happen in Julys. Here's the recap:

Political Tweets: The Train of Cher's Thoughts

Cher attacks Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson in epic Twitter rant (Metro UK)

Cher: Trump a ‘f—ing traitor’ (The Hill)

Cher Just Shared a Hilarious Photoshopped Snap Of Donald Trump (Billboard)

Conclusive proof Cher is the greatest political commentator of our time (Metro UK)

I’m with Cher is the Anti-Trump Swag You Need (Paper Mag)  Get "I'm with Cher buttons because this fan wants to "Make America Cher again!"

Cher Fan Creates 'I'm With Cher' Campaign to Celebrate Singer's Political Punditry (Billboard)

The I'm With Cher page: http://imwithcher.com/

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Has Had Such a Bad Week Even Cher Is Ripping Her a New One (The Independent Journal Review)

I communicated like Cher for the day and people didn't know what to make of it (Mashable) – this was hilarious.


IpIn this news sent to me by both Dishy and Robrt Pela, the album I Paralyze is sort of getting a new re-release: Back On The Street Again: Vibe On Records Reissues, Expands Cher’s “I Paralyze

Céline Dion impersonates Cher, Rihanna on Jimmy Fallon's late night how.

Tabloids and Peripherals

Jennifer Aniston published a personal essay about the tabloids I thought was particularly good. Of particular note:

“In this last boring news cycle about my personal life there have been mass shootings, wildfires, major decisions by the Supreme Court, an upcoming election, and any number of more newsworthy issues that “journalists” could dedicate their resources towards.”

I couldn't find a picture of Cher and Jennifer but, as they knew each other in high school, there is a picture out there of Chaz and Jennifer.


Speaking of Chaz, there's an article out there on AOL where he "opens about his mom Cher's support and why he's finally ready for his big break in acting" and it lists his recent guest appearances.


In reading through all my old issues of Entertainment Weekly, I came across a Melissa McCarthy interview from the summer 2015 issue where she says:

“I always start with the wig. It keys everything for me. You look so different in a wig that it changes your posture, how you carry yourself.”

I feel like Cher has said that before, too.

The Best of Vacation Times, The Worst of Twitter Times

Icecream"Everyone’s a critic today."
–  Sonny, Good Times


It's an ice cream vacation and Daily Mail is stalking Cher through every spoonful.



However, there have been some funny titles about Cher's vacation in light of recent rumors and events:

Cher shows off her fit physique at 70 years old

Cher vacations in Italy amid reports that she’s dying, broke and alone

Cher Broke and Near Death Reports Refuted by Italy Vacation Photos – 70 Year Old Singer Looks Healthy, Happy

Motorcycle Fan

If you’re a fan of The Walking Dead, (and I was for like three episodes before I dropped out realizing the thing was a soap opera), you might be surprised to know that Norman Reedus has come out saying his number one choice to ride bikes across America with is Cher: http://www.cinemablend.com/television/Celebrity-Norman-Reedus-Wants-Ride-With-Most-Who-You-Guess-143557.html

In Elephant News

Cher is still working for our elephant friends.

Cher aims to free lonely, chained elephant in Pakistan

Cher aims to free lonely, chained elephant in Pakistan through adoption

Tweet Drama

Drama #1: The Brexit

Cher got flack this week for her tweet about the UK vote to leave the European Union.




Obviously her initial tweet emoticon was misinterpreted. She never "appeared to back the vote and then regretted it." At least if you can read a tweet. She says literally "Pray it's best decision" but if you ignore the praying hands emojii, (is there such a thing as emoji blindness?), it looks like she's saying "It's the best decision." I guess this is why emoticons aren’t admissible in legal documents. It does surprise me that Twitter Followers can't follow.

Drama #2: Then there was the bomb emoji drama which included the words "Cher slammed" in many online article titles.


The stories:




She's literally saying: "We all pray for innocent people in Turkey airport. Bomb explosion." But I get it: (cartoon bomb ≠ real bomb) = insensitive. Terrorism isn’t a loony toon after all. So I guess a few severed limb emojis are not appropriate either. Hey, dark days call for dark-humor emojis.

But this, my Cher friends and Cher Twitter "followers," is what we call a language problem over in literary-theory land; and some kid will soon be doing a college dissertation on it, if we should be so lucky. Emojis are in fact so new, it’s hard to know officially which of them can officially classified as useful or inappropriate. But Cher seems willing to be the leading test case on the issue.

My beef with emojis is that they evolved from emoticons like this :-/ (which, because I’m old-school, I still use), a system of willfully misusing punctuation marks in order to insert some added layer of emotion into the deadpan language of email communications, (“Is he trying to being a dick with that comment?”), where in olden days people found it hard to decipher contextual humor or anger or sarcasms or winks or any other kind of extreme feeling in email missives and misunderstandings consistently arose, friendships ended,  wars ensued, and jokes failed.

NerdThese days artists are paid (or not) to create little cartoon pictures for us to communicate with instead of us having to use those pesky little Latin letters or instead of getting paid to, say, solve world problems or teach children to communicate better in emails without the aid of stupid little cartoons and then get offended when some celebrity doesn’t use the little pictures right which ironically was a problem the little cartoons (via the misuse of punctuation) was supposed to freaking solve in the first place!

We can all blame Twitter now.

Cher Toon and Milken Conference

DestinySomeone on the Yahoo! Cher group posted this Blank on Blank cartoon today from an interview Cher gave in 1999. It's very cute, creative and actually a great, candid interview.

Most interestingly she says, "Gay men understand not being part of the whole" and that's why they relate to her. I think this idea of mass popularity or fitting in as being "the whole" is very interesting conceptually. 

Anyway, what I love about this cartoon is that it reminds me of the 2010 Serge Gainsbourg movie, Gainsbourg: A Heroic Life which I love and was based on a graphic novel by its director, Joann Sfar. This is the kind of creative movie biography I hope Cher gets someday, artful, surreal and letting the animation provide some emotional punch.

MilkenCher spoke at the Milken Institute Global Conference last week. Of course her hobo hat stole the show and not what she had to say.

Well, that's not entirely true. Billboard Magazine did focus on some of her anti-government comments and other comments around the Flint water crisis in Michigan.

I guess there were some issues at the conference around  the lack of respect for female business founders. If you have LinkedIn, you can read this Pulse story about some prominent female business founders who were treated with less than full respect.

From the story: “Nearly 90% of venture capitalists are male. If Wilkis Wilson’s statement is true, and a vast majority of VCs refuse to see the market potential of markets focused on diverse audiences, female founders targeting female customers are doomed.”

Cher Sends Water to Flint, Michigan, and Twitter Stumbles

CherviewIf you've been following Cher's tweets or the news, you've been reading about the water crisis in Flint, Michigan, (the same town Michael Moore filmed about in his first movie, Roger and Me by the way). Cher has been very vocal in tweets about the mess and Michigan’s governor Rick Snyder. Finally last week she took matters into her own hands and sent truck loads of bottled water to Flint citizens in conjunction with Icelandic Glacial bottled water company (see the water below).

Icelandic water! Yummy. It was huge news.

Cher on The View  (Thanks to Dishy for the heads up on this)

CherwaterdonationABC News

NBC News

The Huffington Post


Michigan Radio

The Hill (I love it when she makes The Hill)

Channel 21 Nebraska!


The Oakland Press (with talks about how Cher plans to do more)

Despite all the water shipping and governor scolding, Cher did not forget to continue her tweets against Donald Trump.

Pink News

The Huffington Post

In fact last week Cher called herself the “Crazy old Aunt of Twitterin The Huffington Post.

And all this while Twitter seems to be imploding. Cher may soon need to find a new platform for expressing herself.


Happy Holidays: Twitter Fights, Airpocalypse, George Bush and Glen Campbell

SnowcherHappy holidays to all the Cher Zombies out there. This is my last blog post of the year! We’re coming up on my Christmas break and my somewhat bi-annual Christmas party. I’ll spend some time off CNM working on book and web site projects.

Politics and Global Affairs

What would a blog week be without some Cher Twitter kerfuffles?

There are Paris-attack tweets (Billboard) and U.S. Refugee Policy tweets (New York Daily News and Daily Mail).

Cher also recently did the voice over for a Sierra Club video that just came out. You can read about it and see the video at Mother Jones:

"Now, Cher is lending her famous voice to the fight for a better, cleaner world, in an innovative virtual-reality tour of China's environmental emergency published by the Sierra Club on Monday. Throughout the short video, Cher explains how China has become the world's leading emitter of carbon dioxide, and how putrid air filled with poisonous sulfur leads to 4,000 premature deaths every day in China (true), and two birth defects every minute (also true, but a pretty old statistic at this point)."

HardhatcherMother Jones also does a play-by-play of the video's stated facts. I love their graphic of Cher on their web page with a hard hat, although it's a tad condescending. 

It's a timely launch of the video, however, because Tuesday New York Times just reported this:

"Airpocalypse: Officials in Beijing have declared that the thick smog blanketing the city was bad enough to require a red alert, the first time they have raised the alarm to its highest level, angering and confusing residents."

The Sierra Club video story in also in Eco-watch.

Cher’s Old Malibu House For Sale

Not to be confused with the big house, this is a former house of Cher’s which is back on the market for a paltry $10 million dollars.

Glenc-showCher Music History

Rolling Stone Magazine has been giving Cher some love lately. Previously they posted her tour-de-force video from 1978 with Dolly Parton. This week they posted her holiday duet on Glen Campbell’s variety show from 1969. They sing "Jingle Bells." Cher really rips the seams out of the song in parts and alternatively seems a bit unsure about the arrangement, which should sound familiar to us because it's the same one Cher did with Sonny on their variety shows. At the end, Glen Campbell jokes about "locking Marty Paich up in a basement for a week to get that arrangement."

Better yet, there are more great Glen and Cher duets to be found on YouTube:

  • Cher and Glen doing a duet of "He Aint’ Heavy, He’s My Brother." Such a great performance and apropos in light of recent events occurring in our political discourse about Muslims.
  • Cher and Glen doing a duet of "Bang Bang." Glen goofs up a line of the song.

Also, Cher's song "Believe" is still appearing in song competition shows.

Bono v. Bono

News came out recently that George W. Bush once thought rock singer Bono from the band U2 was the same Bono who was once married to Cher. I guess that might be confusing if you hadn’t lived through the 1970s or the 1980s. But wait…

I guess this isn't any worse than Cher once thinking the moon was the other side of the sun. I guess we have to let this one slide.


Chaz was recently spotted with a date at The Danish Girl premiere


The 50 Year Mark, Jon Stewart, Sonny’s Park in DC, Chaz Play, Cher Art


Lots of people are talking about Cher’s 50th anniversary mark in the music industry this week. The lead article was this interview done for Billboard Magazine as her appearance on their chart (with Sonny) marks her entrée into the biz.

A few weeks ago I caught upon the cool blog Stargayzing when my Cher-friend Rick Hough sent me a link to the article he wrote on S&C first comeback, "The Sonny Bono Reinvention Act of 1971." It's well-written and has some great photos. In fact, Stargazing can keep you occupied for quite a few hours. There, I also found this amazingly awesome photo outtake of the Half Breed album cover by Gene Trindl. Read the post.


Speaking of Sonny…

SonnyBonoParkLast week I found this story, "How DC Ended Up With a Park Dedicated to Sonny Bono." Apparently the park is controversial due to some people thinking anyone with money can buy and dedicate a park to someone. Hello! That's pretty much what anyone can do with private property. Am I missing something here?

I also found out yesterday that Chaz Bono is promoting his own production company and a play this weekend in LA. I miss LA for things like this!

Sweet Tweets

Cher expressed dismay at John Stewart leave-taking from The Daily Show. Stephen Colbert, David Letterman, Jon Stewart: I can’t take this much media change!!!

Cher Art, My Favorite Category!

I found another piece of "What would cher do" art on Stargazer last week and our good Cher friend, Cher scholar Cherokee99, posted some Cher art here.

Cher Scholar Michael also sent me this hilarious bit of funny.


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