The winners of last week's Facebook contest were announced and Cher News has been tracking the tweets of joy and the tweets of despair from those fans who did not make the random cut.
Zombies will be zombies after all. Sadly, they always want flesh.
But seriously, don't the drama queens ruin it for the rest of us. Just like Jessica Lange emoted in the early part of this season's American Horror Story in her Oscar winning Bostonian accent after the inmates abused a good thing, "Movie night is over for the foreseeable futcha!"
Will Cher continue to provide contests if the contestants lose their minds? She certainly doesn't need to.
Interestingly related to this, I've been saving up quotes on fame for my next Cher Zine and I've just found a treasure trove of good Oscar Wilde ones. Yesterdays find is apropos for the situations of these upset fans:
"It is a very unimaginative nature that only cares for people on their pedestals."
I always thought the phrase "get a life" was too harsh and slightly inaccurate. How does one lose a life after all other than to "drop dead." The better encouragement may be, "please start to care about other things."
If you continue to rent the fates for not delivering up your name in a Facebook contest, life is nothing but suffering ahead for you.
On the bright side of obsession, one obsessed fan contributed a winning bid of $5,700 to ensure meeting Cher, funds which will go to the Cher Charitable Foundation and the maintenance of the Shikimana School in Kenya. How often is it that nice and needy Kenyans get the opportunity to appreciate Americans for our celebrity obsessions?