a division of the Chersonian Institute

Category: Cher News (Page 8 of 17)

Cher Album News (Timberland, Pink, Gaga, Aguilera)

PinkWent to Kansas to visit in-laws last week and while I was gone tweets and news bulletins went a-flyin about Cher's new album. Cher also tweeted some sweet new pics. An overview:

— There's a Lady Gaga duet we already knew about called "The Greatest Thing"

— There are two songs written by Pink, who says of contributing songs that it was "such an honor…I'm such a fan." One of the titles is supposedly "I Walk Alone." I'm such a fan of Pink being a fan of Cher!

— There may also be a duet with Christina Aguilera. This is far from confirmed and would be ironic considering they made a musical together but have never sang together. I know. Makes no sense to me either.

— Producer Timberland is also involved in one song at least. Studiooutfit

— Cher is very happy with the results so far, often tweeting her excitement on various songs. "It's funny, I'm always drawn to same kind of song – overcoming pain, being strong enough and believing in love!"…"I worked hard last night! I go in and sing for ninety minutes to two hours straight! I don't like sitting down until the song is finished! Usually I can ace one song in one session! 'You Haven't Seen The Last Of Me' took two hours; 'If I Could Turn Back Time' took ninety minutes! I'm fast!" …"Many artists take a lot of time but more time wouldn't make my vocals better. I don't mean to sound pompous, it's the only way I know! 'Believe' was the worst time in studio – that's why we used pitch machine! It just wasn't working".

— A single is now slated for October not September and an album around Christmas. This will be here before you know it!

Cher also posted current photos, including the pink one at the top and the leopard-print jammies she said she wore to the studio.

Studio2 As Cher Scholar, I am absolutely salivating over modern pictures of Cher recording in the studio! Is this even a studio? To be a fly on that wall, a bug on that crazy carpet. Below you can see the producers at the board.

Cher News also gives an overview of reports that Cher is working with RedOne (producer of "The Greatest Thing"), J-Roc, Kuk Harrell, and Jason Derülo. And then there's Diane Warren. More obvious rhymes and vague sentiments to be expected there. It would be sweet to have this album be peppered with so many young divas and producers.  


CherstudioguysTo read more:

Cher News has extensive blow by blow reports:


Cher’s Drawers

EyelashdrawerLast week Cher scholar Robrt sent me the link to the page Kathy Griffin posted about her girls-night-in with Cher.


Cher rummaging through her eyelash drawer to the left


 Amazing things to see here:

  1. Cher giving us the finger (never tiresome is it?)
  2. Cher attempting to organize the un-organizable eyelash drawer.
  3. Cher's glitter drawer. It is comforting to see how the rich and glamorous have the same troubles containing glitter in their glitter jars as the likes me. Glitter escapes all over the bottom of the drawer whether your're famous or not.
  4. Kathy Griffin posing in one of the Sonny & Cher bobcat fur vests. History is calling on the princess phone!
  5. I really find it adorable how Kathy gives Cher a hard time in the video.

Music & Art That Inspires Us

PalomaThis week Cher expressed praise for the material Pink submitted for Cher's new album:

"Had meeting 2nite w/Record Co. They Love (the) Song I've done! Got 2 New (songs)! Pink Wrote them! Co(mpany)  wants it out end (of) yr. pic'd single… Alecia (Pink) wrote 2 Great Songs!… Pink is Definitely My Girl! She's Talent! Luv it."

Read more

Since I am broke, I am waiting like a pauper for my birthday to get the new Paloma Faith album, which is available as an import only now. I love her song "Agony" and the song and video for "Picking Up the Pieces."  

Hopefully I'll be in the flush with cash again soon. I just started a new job at the Institute for American Indian Arts. I'm pinching myself to be in this creative space. Check out their museum, ground zero for contemporary Native American and Alaskan art: http://www.iaia.edu/museum/.

SavageMeanwhile, Cher Scholar Dishy has been turning me on to some awesome stuff. Through him I watched the Siouxie and the Banshees video collection. Although I only really loved "Kiss Them for Me" as a song, all the videos blew my mind; the special effects still hold up. I also watched his copy of the videos for The Eurythmics' album Savage which I can't recommend highly enough. Now I finally get the "I Need A Man" video. You get to see this amazing characterization of the blonde chick as she evolves through the videos. I see elements of Kiki DuRane in the whole trajectory. Interesting to me that Annie Lennox was working on similar feminist characterizations as Madonna but not getting the credit for it, because hers was more to the jugular and it made everyone uncomfortable.

Watch the sequence:

  • Beethoven (I Love to Listen To)…This video introduces us to housewife versus the little brat the unruly woman is created from. After watching it, Mr. Cher Scholar told me about how they used to discourage women from listen to Beethoven because his music excited them.
  • I Need a Man – Unruly woman gets unhooked!
  • Heaven – Unruly woman does LA.
  • Wide Eyed Girl – If you wait to the end of this very-80s video, you see what might be the unruly blonde as worn-out mother.
  • Savage – Unruly woman runs out of steam…beautifully.
  • You Have Placed a Chill in My Heart – Unruly woman and house-frau battle for Annie Lennox's soul.

LdrDishy also alerted me to the new album by Americana-lyricist Lana del Rey, Born to Die. Have yet to spend real quality time with it but I love the atmosphere and the smart lyrics so far.

If you love pop-culture references, you might like the videos too:

  • National Anthem (Is that Marilyn Monroe meets President Obama a.k.a. A$AP Rocky? That's awesome enough but it gets better!)
  • Video Games
  • Born to Die
  • Blue Jeans (Because everybody has to do a black and white video…this one has great water shots, like the video for "Just a Dream," the masterpiece from my STL-homie Nelly.)


Twitter, Tours and Taking Pics

Cherjuly2012_3I'm late with Cher posts again. Okay, this is for two reasons: I've been out camping this summer around the Southwest (Mesa Verde, Bryce Canyon, Conchas Lake) and I've been moonlighting with another blog. I'm putting out a book this year and I've been ramping up my personal and poetry sites. Check out Big Bang Poetry at http://www.bigbangpoetry.com, reinventing the life of the poet in the modern world.

But it's not that I haven't been having any Cher thoughts. I'm excited-ly awaiting the new Cher biography out next Friday, the one that was supposed to come out last May, then June.

Cher fans have also been discussing new album and tour news. Cher tweeted that the first single would come out in September, an album would be released for Christmas, and a tour, if she tours, will be postponed until spring of 2013 due to surgery she needs on her ailing tootsies.

Although I would pay to see Cher tour again, I'm hoping her toes talk some sense into her. Coming back after such a dramatic farewell and all…could cause more tweetwars.

Cher has also been continuing to fight the tweet-skanks on Twitter. I hope she finds this somewhat energizing and not depleating. This time MDNA fans have been up in her grill. Read all about it here. Then a Britney Spears fan misinterpreted her anti-Romney tweet.Cherjuly2012_2

Cher said:

Like to keep my insults Straight asshole!".

I don't think LOL expresses how funny that is. I love how the twitterazzi is hanging on Cher-tweets like she's the guru of shade.

On the lighter side, she's also been posting some candid photos on twitter, the ones seen above taken by Kathy Griffin after a girls-night-in.

The candid ones below are older but some of my favorites of the recent strike-a-pose shots.

Chercandids 2


Cher Starting Fires and Helping Fire Victims

Cherbighair2Maybe it's me, but I am loving seeing Cher with big hair again. And maybe big hair spray ignites big fires.

Cher has been busy lately setting fires and helping to put them back out again.

The latest raging inferno, Cher gets some Mormon groups in a snit over a tweet using the phrase 'magic underwear' to refer to celestial garments.

The offending tweet:

"I Feel if he (Obama) doesn't get all his DUCKS IN A ROW we'll b forced 2 listen 2Uncaring Richy Rich! The whitest man in MAGIC UNDERWEAR in the WH (White House)."

This Brisbane press article also takes the time to remind people that Australians were also offended by Cher recently over the sale of the key to Adelaide.

The girl is giving Courtney Love a run for her money this year. You go!

CherbighairTo be fair to Mormons, they are starting to take back their religion. This week 300 pro-gay Mormons joined Salt Lake City's Gay Price Parade in a gesture of support.  A very inspiring story.

To be fair to Cher, she is helping to raise money and offer sympathy for Colorado's latest fire victims. Cher tweeted:

"I will donate $. It's beautiful place, warm people! I've played there many times! SAD! Nephew went 2 Air Force Acad (Academy there). Ryan Southall, he's getting married…

"I'm sad about ppl w/ nowhere to go! Houses lost! I don't think I would (be) strong enough to start over w/ nothing."



Cher and Posse Attend Obama Fundraiser in Los Angeles

Last week, Cher and her posse attended Cherfamilyobamaa Los Angeles LGBT fundraiser for President Obama. Before the event Cher and company took some photos at home to post on Twitter.

To the left Cher's sister Georganne, her mother Georgia, son Chaz, Cher and friend Paulette Betts.

Seriously, is that camera on a fireplace mantle? Doesn't Cher have a live-in photographer already?

You can see many more photos before and during the event posted on both Cher News and Cher World, including some with Jewelry Designer Loree Rodkin:




The next morning on The Stephanie Miller Show, Stephanie Miller couldn't stop talking about getting a photo with Cher (to right). CherandstephanieShe practically devoted the entire show to Cher moments, playing her songs and kidding herself about the napkin outfit she seems to be wearing. Stephanie, Producer Chris and Voice Deity Jim also discussed the chance of Cher appearing on the radio show and decided it was slim to none because as Chris said, everyone knows Cher sleeps until noon. He said he could tell by her tweet schedule. When he gets up at 4am to get ready for their morning talk show, Cher is still up winding down on her tweets.

But for real, it's a perfect show for Cher to discuss her politics. Or am I just rationalizing in an attempt to bring two of my favorite things into one product?

I suppose I am.

To read the LA Times story on the event: http://articles.latimes.com/2012/jun/06/nation/la-na-obama-gay-fundraiser-20120607


What the Reaction Says About Women, Class and Liberals

CherI’ll be offline for a few weeks. I’m wrapping up my five-year gig at ICANN next week in Los Angeles. It’s been an awesome experience and with many mixed-emotions I leave to refocus on other projects. Until I'm back, have a good two weeks.

Meanwhile…Cher has been ranting on the republican party in tweets for over a year it seems. It hasn’t been news. She’s been tapping into some rarely-expressed liberal anger as far as I’m concerned. She’s not debating, politicking or doing any public relations. She’s just venting. Last week her anti-Romeny tweet went viral before she had a chance to snuff the flame.

Cher scholar Dishy sent me the first news of it from The Hollywood Reporter:

"Thank God I got the half that thinks," she writes in response to an assertion that a series of tweets — now deleted — has cost her 50 percent of her fans.

Cher went on an anti-Republican tirade early Tuesday morning that went viral courtesy of the Drudge Report, and by noon she had deleted the offending tweets.

“If ROMNEY gets elected I don’t know if I can breathe same air as Him & his Right Wing Racist Homophobic Women Hating Tea Bagger Masters,” the entertainer tweeted referring to Mitt Romney, the Republican's likely nominee for president.

After some criticism — some of it profane — Cher tweeted: “TOO HARSH? That’s me Holding BACK! They care nothing about the POOR The OLD The SICK The HUNGRY CHILDREN & People striving 4 a Better LIFE ! –"

I then heard the tweet-storm discussed on The Stephanie Miller Show (Cher would be a super guest on that show!) and even Moveon.org posted about it: "The Words That Started A Twitter Storm: Cher’s Famous Tweet About Romney" where they quoted her apologizing, “Im not sorry 4feelings, but i was not kind.’

I haven't heard any fans trashing Cher over her initial comments and even my mother said she shouldn’t have apologized. There may have been personal reasons why she did.

In any case there are three issues at play here:

  1. Liberals and their Feelings: the Right (and the celebrity Right) is never apologetic about their angry feelings. See Ted Nugent as a most current example. Liberals are always encouraged not to take it into an angry place. That restraint can't hold forever.
  2. Girls and their Feelings: women aren’t supposed to get angry or express their anger. Women constantly get pressure to back down from their expressing their anger while the same expressions are seen as appropriate for men. (see the book The Unruly Women by Kathleen Rowe)
  3. The Struggle of the Lower Class and their Feelings:  Cher comes from a working class background; she has working class friends; she cares about working class people (as her tweets and comments have shown throughout the years). She expresses herself in a way that some criticize as being crude, low-rent (i.e. low class), “She talks like a truck-driver; she swears like a biker.” Comments when they are expressed in this way tap into this country’s deep-seated issues about class, especially when unruly (outspoken) women are the ones expressing liberal feelings about class. 

They try to shut her down. You go girl!


Cher Appears at GLAAD Awards

Cherfro2Cher and Congresswoman Mary Bono Mack presented the Stephen F. Kolzak Award to Chaz Bono last weekend. Cher’s appearance was a surprise and noted as a highlight of the 23rd Annual GLAAD Media Awards Saturday night in Los Angeles.

Everyone is loving the wig.

"I'm here because Chaz has the most courage of almost anyone I know. The other day I was having a big meltdown (like you do) and Chaz said, 'Are you going to come to the [GLAAD event],' and I went 'Chaz, you know, I'm not doing well right now' and…he texted me and said 'I turned into a very understanding, smart man and you can call on me.' And it made me feel so good, like I could lean on someone. It touched my heart."

Addressing Bono directly, Cher said, "You are the most courageous person I know and you really deserve this award, so come up and get this award!"

Bono, who once served as GLAAD's entertainment media director, discussed the role the organziation has played in his life: 

"This truly means so much to me, because not only did I work at GLAAD, I think I learned everything that I value and that I do now as an activist from the time I spent at GLAAD. Cherfro..I learned here to use the greatest activist tool that we have at our disposal, and that is the media….For my personal journey since I transitioned, GLAAD has been there for me every step of the way. From when it first came out that I was transitioning, GLAAD was right there, out front in the media. And really everything that I've done since then, they have been a partner for me to be able to go to when Million Moms is coming out against me or Keith Ablow is telling people that me being on Dancing with the Stars is somehow going to be damaging to children. They have really been a partner for me all the way."

Winning awards that night:

  • Modern Family (Outstanding Comedy Series)
  • Hot in Cleveland episode “Drop Dead Diva” (Outstanding Individual Episode) 
  • Reality TV show Becoming Chaz (Outstanding Documentary)
  • Ewan McGregor's movie Beginners (Outstanding Film)

Excerpts from:


Weird News

KgriffCher gives Kathy Griffin Love Advice


"You gotta put yourself in different environments bitch."

That’s actually good advice.

Australian Key to the City Given to Cher Shows Up On Ebay


Cher tweets “I don’t know what happened” message but this is really stupid non-news. Do you know how many keys to cities float about out there in celebrity land? Cher would need a special storage until for all her city keys I imagine she has. Whether her office f’d up or not: who cares?

Okay, Adelaide Australia seems to care quite a bit. Maybe they feel singled-out because Cher hasn’t sold off or given away her keys to the cities of St. Louis or Albuquerque yet. Surely she has some of those too!

Why are we talking about this again?



Bric a Brac News

Cher News reported recently that Gilbert LaPiere, Cher and her sister's one-time stepdad has just passed away in Oklahoma: http://chernews.blogspot.com/2012/02/chers-stepfather-lapiere-dies.html

Rest in peace, Gilbert LaPiere. Now we know how to spell it everyone. Big P. One r.

Cher World also posted some new pics and an article on Cher's apartment condo in Los Angeles: http://www.cherworld.com/news/?p=1804

I've never had a bathtub in the middle of a room…or one with a writing desk no less. Must papers be signed in the tub? No rest for the wicked, my mother always says.


I hope, on a midnight pee break, nobody hits their head on those hanging lights.


I don't know what the heck this is, a meditation nook?


Very tasteful. But I'd hate to be the guest who spills coffee on it.


Ahh….what celebrity livin' is all about: the view!




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