a division of the Chersonian Institute

Category: Peripherals (Page 10 of 21)

VCR Alert: More Promo for Cher’s Mom’s Day Special

Georganne-genhospThis week Cher scholar Dishy sent me links to a recent interview Cher's sister, Georganne LaPiere, gave to Greg in Hollywood. In part one, Georganne talks about life on General Hospital and Greg seems like a legitimate fan of the soap opera.

Part two goes into her reaction to Chaz transgendering, her relationship to Cher (how Cher basically raised her) and all the perks of being Cher's sister, how she got Cher involved in a project with her mom and a hint about what we might be seeing in next month's special.



Read the interviews here:

Interview Part 1

Interview Part 2

VCR Alert:

Also Cher News is reporting that Cher and her mom, Georgia Holt, will be appearing on NBC's The Tonight Show with Jay Leno on Tuesday April 30.


More Rumors: Cher Kids in Crisis

For the last month or so rumors have cropped up about Cher having troubles with her children. In March, The National Enquirer (I hate to even legitimize them with italics) printed a story about Elijah Blue relapsing. This week, stories are all over about Cher being in a rift with Chaz. Chaz recently appeared on the show The Doctors after losing around 45 pounds. Stories are up on:

All sites report the same text, tracking it all back to "a source close to Cher," all tabloidishly vague on the details of the fissure. Meanwhile both Chaz and Cher have posted happy pics together. Nothing we read anywhere is conclusive of anything, even coming from Cher. We should probably wait for the next Chaz tell-all to sort things out.



A Look Back at Roger Ebert’s Reviews of Cher Movies

EbertWe lost the second half of Siskel and Ebert this week. I'm a bit sad and their sardonic reviews aired every late night of my childhood weekends. I thought it would be fun to cull some of Roger Ebert's reviews of Cher's theatrical releases, which were often, of late, very generous:

Zookeeper: "Look, a great movie this is not. A pleasant summer entertainment it is. I
think it can play for all ages in a family audience, it's clever to
have the animals advising humans on their behavioral strategies, and
besides, I'm getting a teensy bit exhausted by cute little animated
animals. The creatures in this zoo all have the excellent taste to be in

Burlesque: "In this scene and throughout the movie, Cher looks exactly as she always does. Other people age. Cher has become a logo…Is this the movie for you? It may very well be. You've read my review, and you think I'm just making snarky comments and indulging in cheap sarcasm. Well, all right, I am. Burlesque shows Cher and Christina Aguilera being all that they can be, and that's more than enough."

Stuck on You: "The movie is funny, but also kind-hearted. Much screen time is given to
Rocket (Ray "Rocket" Valliere), a waiter in the burger joint. He's a
mentally challenged friend of the Farrellys, who makes it clear here why
they like him. Their approach to handicaps is open and natural, and
refreshing, compared to the anguished, guilt-laden treatment usually
given to handicapped characters in movies. The fact that Walt hopes to
be a movie star is less amazing, really, than that the Farrellys had the
nerve to make a comedy about it."

Tea with Mussolini: "I enjoyed the movie in a certain way, as a kind of
sub-Merchant-Ivory mix of eccentric ladies and enchanting scenery. I
liked the performances of the women (including Cher; people keep
forgetting what a good actress she can be)…But the
movie seemed the stuff of anecdote, not drama."

Faithful: "Faithful is the kind of movie that's diverting while you're watching
it, mostly because of the actors' appeal, but it evaporates the moment
it's over, because it's not really about anything. Nothing is at stake,
the relationships are not three-dimensional enough for us to care about
them, and it's likely that nobody will get killed. That leaves the
physical presences of the actors and the wit of the dialogue–enough for
a play, but not for the greater realism of a movie."

Mermaids: "The mom in Mermaids is played by Cher. Not only played by Cher, but in an eerie sense played as Cher, with perfect makeup and a flawless body that seems a bit much to hope for, given the character's lifestyle and diet…The central pop culture detail here is Cher, who, like Bette Midler in the somewhat similar Stella, does not entirely suffer her famous persona to disappear inside the role….And yet, perversely perhaps, I found this an interesting movie. I didn't give a bean how it turned out, and I found a lot of it preposterous, but I enjoyed that quality. Why do we look at movies? To learn lessons and see life reflected back at us? Sometimes. But sometimes we simply sit there in the dark, stupefied by the spectacle. Mermaids is not exactly good, but it is not boring. Winona Ryder, in another of her alienated outsider roles, generates real charisma. And what the movie is saying about Cher is as elusive as it is intriguing."

Moonstruck: "The movie is filled with fine performances – by Cher, never funnier or more assured; by Dukakis and Gardenia, as her parents, whose love runs as deep as their exasperation, and by Cage as the hapless, angry brother, who is so filled with hurts that he has lost track of what caused them. In its warmth and in its enchantment, as well as in its laughs, this is the best comedy in a long time."

Suspect: "Suspect is fun when Cher and Quaid interact; she does a convincing job of playing a lonely career woman, and he's a slick lobbyist with more charm than substance. There are lots of good supporting performances, including a tricky one by Liam Neeson as the deaf-mute who gradually reveals his true history. But the closing revelations made me rethink the whole plot, and made it look less like a case of jury-tampering than audience-tampering."

The Witches of Eastwick: "The women are played in the movie by Cher, Michelle Pfeiffer and Susan Sarandon, and they have a delicious good time with their roles. These women need to be good at double takes, because they're always getting into situations that require them. When they're together, talking up a storm, they have the kind of unconscious verbal timing that makes comedy out of ordinary speech. We laugh not only because they say funny things but because they give everyday things just a slight twist of irony. But it's Nicholson's show. There is a scene where he dresses in satin pajamas and sprawls full length on a bed, twisting and stretching sinuously in full enjoyment of his sensuality. It is one of the funniest moments of physical humor he has ever committed...Fantasies usually play better on the page than on the screen, because in the imagination they don't seem as ridiculous as they sometimes do when they've been reduced to actual images. There are some moments in The Witches of Eastwick that stretch uncomfortably for effects – the movie's climax is overdone, for example – and yet a lot of the time this movie plays like a plausible story about implausible people. The performances sell it. And the eyebrows."

Mask: "Cher, on the other hand, makes Rusty Dennis into one of the most interesting movie characters in a long time…Mask is a wonderful movie, a story of high spirits and hope and courage. It has some songs in it, by Bob Seger, and there has been a lot of publicity about the fact that Peter Bogdanovich would rather the songs were by Bruce Springsteen. Let me put it this way: This is a movie that doesn't depend on its sound track. It works because of the people it's about, not because of the music they listen to."

Silkwood: "It's a little amazing that established movie stars like Streep, Russell and Cher could disappear so completely into the everyday lives of these characters."

Come Back to the 5 and Dime, Jimmy Dean: "A richly textured mixture of confessions, obsessions, and surprises . . . Cher’s performance here is a revelation.”

Chastity: Not reviewed.

Good Times: "Good Times has its moments. Sonny and Cher are asked to make a movie, and look for a story. Their search takes the form of spoofs on established film cliches: The Bogart-type detective movie (with camera angles lifted from "The Maltese Falcon"), the Western, the jungle tale. Friedkin is inventive with his camera, and Sonny and Cher, although they lack the Beatles' spontaneity, work the veins of comedy and pathos with some success. There are moments that sparkle. And Cher, in a solo, reveals a surprisingly gifted singing voice. Good Times is no classic, but in ambition and achievement it's better than most movies of its type. Adults may find it diverting. and the kids, I suppose, will go because they want to see Sonny and Cher singing all those songs."


Cher Doing Promo Work for TCM and Mother’s Day Special

ChermomDetails are coming together on Cher's Mother's Day tribute to Georgia Holt. It will be titled "Dear Mom, Love Cher" and will air on Lifetime, May 6 at 10 p.m. PT/ET. Press information states,

Dear Mom, Love Cher provides a rare peek into Cher’s family
history and features interviews with not only with Holt and Cher, but
also Cher’s sister Georganne LaPiere Bartylak, and Holt’s grandchildren
Chaz Bono and Elijah Blue Allman, promises Lifetime.

The documentary begins with Holt’s beginnings in rural Arkansas and
runs through her six tumultuous marriages while pursuing a career among
Hollywood’s elite as a singer and actress.

Dear Mom, Love Cher includes a never-before-heard duet
performance with Holt and Cher, along with the long-lost recordings Holt
taped more than three decades ago that Cher has re-mastered for
commercial release later this year.

“This project started as a gift for my mom’s 86th birthday,” says
Cher, 66, in the release, adding: “Like most things in my family, it was
initiated by my sister Georganne, who asked me if I could update mom’s
album. So I went BIG (I’m known in the family for doing that),” said
Cher. “My sister and I are proud of our mom and we want to share her
with the world. My mom is EXACTLY like ‘Rocky.’ She NEVER gives up!
Well…if we must nit-pick, they aren’t totally alike. Rocky is a
fictitious boxer and mom’s a singer. He’s younger and a man. Other than
that they are the same person! FIGHTERS.”

This should be a great special. To publicize her latest projects, Cher has been doing some interviews including,

  • Cher and her mom posed for Entertainment Weekly online.
  • A phone interview with Patricia Sheridan from the Post Gazette. Listen to it here or read the pared down transcript here. What's interesting to me about this interview is the comment, "I could answer every question that you would ask and you still wouldn't know me. I would still have my privacy. I wouldn't lie to you….I have such a private core." And I just blogged about that recently. I so should get an A in Cher class! I also enjoyed hearing Cher talk about how she would sing with her mother and her grandfather and uncle would play guitar. All those childhood details are so interesting. I didn't even know how well she knew her grandfather.
  • Cher did an interview with Michael Logan for TV Guide about her co-host gig on TCM with Robert Osborne. This is an interesting discussion where Cher talks about why she finds older films more progressive than current films. And she calls Robert Osborne Robby. Of course. And she talks about whatever happened to her dream of remaking The Enchanted Cottage.
  • Cher also spoke about having done an interview for People Magazine. Be on the lookout.


Cher VCR Alerts

VoguelittlehatAlthough it may be months and months before we get Cher's new album of golden oldies (just kidding), there is plenty on tap for a spring o' Cher, starting a week from Friday.

Cher starts her 4-week run of classic movie Fridays on April 5. See the promo

Cher's mother's album (with Cher duet) should drop allegedly in early May right before Cher's special on her Mother may be aired on Lifetime on May 6.

Cher News talks more about Cher's tweets on promoting the special on Ellen and Jay Leno. I guess this is bad time for me to be thinking about cancelling my cable. Dammit.

In other news, Cher has flipped a house near where I used to live, Abbot Kinney in Venice, California. I moved in with Mr. Cher Scholar before he officially became Mr. Cher Scholar when he lived right off Abbot Kinney and San Juan. It was right as the neighborhood was starting to gentrify between 2006-2007. The neighborhood was still sketchy (our neighbor had chickens) but you could hear drum circles by the beach from the bedroom. The Edgar Winter Dog also lived there with us for a while. He loved cruising Abbot Kinney. People would come up to us and say, that dog is a party!

Read more about Cher's Venice, California, house for sale. Digital Spy speculates she may be planning a move to London because she has also re-listed her $45 million Malibu home.


Album Delays Makes the Place Behind My Eyes Hurt (& Steve Martin)

ChertofansCher, left, talking to her fans.

So it would seem Cher's album is delayed until fall and this is making the spot behind my eyes hurt not because I can't live without a new Cher album this month, but because we have to keep talking about it coming out all this much longer. They say in "new marketing" that you should create a buzz for your product on social media before it comes out. This is a good case study about how that can fall apart if the product doesn't come out on time. If Cher were just silently working on a new album, we wouldn't have a fan meltdown and we wouldn't have a Cher meltdown, one that may or may not have been either legitimate or dishy depending upon who describes it.

I don't know but I just need to lay down.

The Cher-Album-Delay Twitter stories:

Contact Music took the shout-down more literally, "Cher confirmed it will now be moved back until after Summer in an angry reaction to fans…Cher expressed her disappointment in further Tweets, which have since been deleted." But Idolator said it was "all in good fun" (ah, yes) with tweets like "AM OLDER THAN FIRE,& TWICE AS HOT !"


Anyway, let's talk about me. I am the first one to say I would like a new Cher album about now because Mr. Cher Scholar and I are going through a shitty time with our transition out of Santa Fe, New Mexico. But I will have to console myself with my 40-something other Cher albums and the other billion or so consumer products at my disposal, starting with the new a new DVD my friend brought me a few weekends ago, Steve Martin: The Television Stuff. I loved this DVD so much I wrote a 7-page essay about it for Ape Culture. Not only do I think early Steve Martin work was ironic and brilliant, I draw a direct connection between his meta-stand-up and the ironic Generation X meta-writers Dave Eggers, David Foster Wallace and Douglas Copeland.

I've talked occasionally about how Steve Martin was a writer on The Sonny & Cher Comedy Hour and friends with Teri Garr. He talks about this in his book Born Standing Up. In the DVD commentary of this set, he talks more about being a TV writer for The Smothers Brothers, Sonny & Cher and Cher, saying it was always his hope to become a regular comedic actor on one of those shows but it never happened. I once mourned that fact that Martin's humor never made it to Sonny & Cher skits, but now I think his own stand-up shows were exactly where he needed to break out and maybe The Sonny & Cher Comedy Hour was not a good fit for his kind of abstract pieces.

This week Cher scholar Dishy sent me a 45 of a song I had never heard before, Sonny singing "I'll Change." Later I found this clip of Sonny singing "My Way" which I sent to Mr. Cher Scholar to cheer him up today. It worked.

CherpantsLet's all look at Cher in some silly pants and vow to get over these dramatic obstacles in our lives.

Cher at British fashion designer Gareth Pugh's fall-winter fashion presentation

Cher at Gareth Pugh's show and her tweet about it

Another story about the Pugh show

Cher shopping in Paris with Fergie

More Cher shopping with Fergie: Mr. Paparazzi says: "We love a random celebrity friendship, and here’s one that is particularly so….She and Cher hit some of Paris’ most upmarket boutiques and were obviously out to splash some cash; they left one designer store wearing a completely different ensemble than the ones they entered it in."

See? The world isn't coming to an end.


Periphery News: Condo for Sale, Thinner Chaz, Hot Allman Wife

Sierra TowersCher Digs For Sale

What would a three-to-four year period be without a former Cher residence not going up for sale? I imagine a strange Chertopia forming, where every house in the western world is bought by Cher and redesigned to be resold looking Mediterranean, medieval, middle-eastern or in some way Cher like. A homogeneous Levittown-cum-Chertown.







Just look at those Cher windows and tell me I'm wrong!

Cher is now selling her two-story remodeled condo in Sierra Towers in LA, ending her relationship with a residence along the lines of a similar pattern: she met it, bought it, changed it over (dating phase), photographed herself in it for Architectural Digest (wedding photos), and then decided they should both see other people, hopefully with a net gain for herself of 1 million dollars.

Allegedly her condo is the only two-story condo in the building, with neighbors such at Courtney Cox, Elton John and Joan Collins. She bought it in 2006 for $4.5 million and is listing it at $5.5 million.

If you're interested in moving in, the building boasts a 24/7 concierge service, a gym, a pool, a sundeck and her condo has panoramic views.


Chaz Diet

In other news, Contactnews is reporting that Cher's son Chaz has lost 43 pounds. From the picture, it appears to be true: http://www.contactmusic.com/news/chaz-bono-loses-43-pounds-on-health-kick_3513240

The photo caption claims Chaz is walking with his girl friend. She looks strikingly similar to Heidi Shink. If so, are they dating again or did the caption mean to say girl [space] friend?

Hot Rock Star Ex-Wives

The site Ultimate Classic Rock has named Cher one of the Hottest Rock Star Ex-Wives: http://ultimateclassicrock.com/cher-hottest-rockstar-ex-wives/

…although they admit she's "a legend in her own right." This is a nice nod coming from a classic rock site, I think. Did you know Allman has now racked up 6 wives? As Mother to Cher Scholar would say to Mr. Allman if she ever met him with this factoid, "maybe it's you."

The picture to the right is from the Richard Avedon photos that became the cover of her Dark Lady album in 1974, a year before she met Gregg Allman, before she was to become the ex-girlfriend of David Geffen. I look forward to the list that accumulates the hottest gay beards.


Get Well Cards for Cher’s Mum and Kitty

MrbigThere was news last week that both Cher's mom and cat were under the weather. For Cher's mother, Cher News reported that Georgia was recovering from a bout with pneumonia. Pneumonia can be very scary. Even scarier for Cher, apparently Georgia wants to start tweeting. Recently Cher tweeted that her mom was "Much better. I'm going to her house, and let her tweet, but I will be
on iPad. I can't trust her, in one minute, she'll be showing naked baby

That's funny. But things sounded more critical with Cher's beloved cat, Mr. Big.

ContactMusic reported that Cher tweeted:

Big is sick in hosp (hospital). My friend Kat is with him, she's top
heart Dr (doctor). I was crying… The weird thing is I never think
about him sick! He was almost dead when we found him in Detroit, but
after that he has never been sick."

Cher posted a number of
pictures of Mr. Big and later admitted the cat was starting to show
signs of improvement: "Mr Big in his little oxygen tent, getting his Iv
of meds (medication) wrapped in blanket, but he's still eating! Nurses
love him… Kat, his heart Dr. says he will be well enough 2 (to) have
echocardiogram (a heart scan) tomorrow. Says he's feeling better after
meds (sic) & oxygen! Better is good!..

"I'm great in an emergency, but I cry when it's over & everything is fine!"

I hope Georgia and Mr. Big get well soon. Then if Cher won't let Georgia put naked baby-Cher pictures on Twitter, we can get Mr. Big up and tweeting instead. Imagine the tweets that little guy could send us.

Inventing David Geffen to Air on PBS Next Week

ChergeffenpremiereDavid Geffen's biopic airs November 20th. Last week Cher was at the premiere in support.

On the red carpet she spoke of their relationship saying she was crazy about him and they were in love. When asked if Geffen was gay at the time, Cher responded that at that time in his life, she was the right person for him.

Watch the video and see more pics on Cher World: http://www.cherworld.com/cher-news/cher-attends-american-masters-inventing-david-geffen/

Producer Susan Lacy talks about making the film and Cher's input:

It was a
long process. During a period of four years, I was doing interviews [off
and on] whenever I could. It turned out it was a really good thing that
I could do that. Because the people I really wanted took two years to
schedule. It took a long time to get Neil Young, for example, who tours a
lot. I think Cher is a huge addition to the film, another person who's very difficult to schedule.

Reviews of the documentary:

List of A-Listers at the event: http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/inventing-david-geffen-premiere-la-stars-390374 

Another PBS must-watch is tonight and tomorrow's Ken Burns documentary on the Dust Bowl. It's as relevant today with its arguments over science and man-made disasters.


Leaks, X-Factor, Val Kilmer and Cher’s Sex Cult

ValkilmerUgh. So I said I wouldn't talk anymore about this phantom album of Cher's…but then things blew up last week when a version of a song called "Woman's World" was leaked.

It was 15 seconds of speedy dance Cher-shouting. It was all over for a day or so and has since evaporated.

Cher expressed displeasure.

Queerty.com pooh-pooed that saying Cher had no reason to be upset:

"Unfinished or not, this shit sounds amazing. There’s no better way to
start your day/week/the rest of your life than a good ole-fashioned diva
comeback single."

Meanwhile, there's a rumor Cher has been signed to appear on the season finale of X-Factor on December 9. 

ChairAnd Cher tweeted a picture of herself and one-time boyfriend, Val Kilmer (above), after seeing him do his one-man show about Mark Twain called "Citizen Twain" at the Shakespeare Center of Los Angeles. Apparently he had to cancel his second of two shows due to a knee injury. Why didn't he just do Val Kilmer doing Hal Holbrook doing Mark Twain and perform from a chair.

By the way, Mark Twain is my patron saint. I did a photo shoot earlier this year (for an upcoming book) that was an homage to one of Twain's famous photographs:

CultLast but not least, one of the goofiest of Cher tabloid covers appeared this week, Cher Sex Cult Scandal! Torture, Brainwashing, Abuse…Stupid.

On the bright side, the tabloids are still hot for Cher.

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