a division of the Chersonian Institute

Category: Peripherals (Page 15 of 21)

Chaz Records an “It Gets Better” Segment

Chaz http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiOELJSpKe4

These videos are great! To scan them all visit: http://www.itgetsbetterproject.com/

Stephanie Miller has a particularly good one.


About the project:

Justin Aeberg. Billy Lucas. Cody Barker. Asher Brown. Seth Walsh. Raymond Chase. Tyler Clementi. All the names of American teenagers who in recent months have taken their own lives after being bullied in school.

For too long, LGBT youth have been forced to struggle through their formative years suffering from bullies in their schools, churches and homes — and with no support system to provide them any help.

Noted writer and media pundit Dan Savage founded the It Gets Better Project in September 2010 as a unique way for supporters everywhere to tell LGBT Youth that — it gets better.


Who is this Duet and Why Was it Recorded?

45_A_Love_Like_Yours_FRENCH In the Oct 22/29 issue of Entertainment Weekly, horror maestro Stephen King reviews the soon-to-be released dvd of the documentary “Who Is Harry Nilsson (And Why Is Everybody Talkin’ About Him?)”, calling it “an exploration of the dark side of success that’s hard to watch and even harder to forget.”

I missed the LA screening a few years ago so I still wonder if they discuss Cher’s duet with Harry, the Phil Spector produced single "A Love Like Yours (Don't Come Knocking Every Day)" from 1975.

The blog "For the Love of Harry" reviews the song and you can listen along.

RE-UPPED! One of Harry's more obscure major releases, a Phil Spector produced duet with Cher. There's a little bit of confusion about this release, as it originally appeared on a 1975 Warner Brothers promo LP (which sold for $2) called Burbank's Finest: 100% All Meat. It was eventually issued as one of the first of three 45's on Spector's vanity label for Warner Bros., but it went nowhere fast (as did the label). Harry told Creem magazine that the backing track was actually intended for John Lennon's Spector-produced Rock 'n Roll album. Leave it to Spector to make Harry's & Cher's voices sound alike. Nilsson once referred to this one-off duo as "Nilssonny & Cher." The flip side is a Cher solo recording.

Listening to it again, I notice an oddly precious opening to the song (which isn’t atypical of Phil Spector, I guess). Some people hate Cher's three Spector singles from the mid-70s but I think Cher’s strong voice is particularly suited to his hazy, languid arrangements. There are some cool scratchy wails from Cher in the track and some typical Phil Spector eeriness, speaking of which… Al Pacino is set to play Spector in David Mamet’s HBO biopic.

…uh…can't wait for that.


Gossip is So Rarely Kind

Cherron For that reason, I almost enjoyed the tabloid Globe Story about Cher and Ron Zimmerman last week. At least it was positive about their relationship. Even if they were lies, they were sweet ones. 

Things I like about Ron:

1. He looks like a cowboy.
2. He’s funny.
3. He creates a funny comic about cowboys.
4. Cowboys are rarely funny and this is a nice departure for them.
5. He looks strong enough to tip a cow if such a thing was necessary.

Things I don’t like about the Globe

1. You have to leaf through a lot of garbage to see the trash about your celebrity obsession.
2. Alternatively, it’s like a vortex of sin: you will never be able to find what you are looking for in its un-indexed pages while standing in the check out line.
3. The photos make everyone always look ill.
4. My horoscope inside said I need to re-assess my budget and seek professional help (it's possibly too late).
5. You feel dirty after reading it…literally. The ink comes off on your fingers.


Burlesque Promotion Heats Up & Xtina Fans Are Talking

Cherburlesquenew Burlesque is busy promoting itself two months out. Some say an onslaught of early promotion is a bad sign…for a bad movie. But we shall see.

Apparently a short commercial was seen on Glee(check your YourTubes). Cher also was featured in an Elle Magazine online list "The Elle-25" on August 30 with the picture below:

In a year of head-hanging cultural low points (we’re looking at you, Jersey Shore), ELLE presents the 25 best reasons to keep the faith—from the year’s must-hear genre-busting albums to Cher’s showstopping return to celluloid. (We’ll fist pump to that!)


She gave us indelible performances in ’80s flicks Moonstruck, Mask, and Silkwood.Cherelle

Now Oscar-winning triple threat and grande dame of camp Cher is back on celluloid as the tough-broad owner of a musical revue nightclub in November’s Burlesque. Belting out a racy number in a sequined bustier with enough screen presence to upstage all the pretty young things in fishnets (including Christina Aguilera and Kristen Bell), Cher’s mama hen nabs the movie’s best lines and flaunts the biggest hair.—R.R.

I was confused by an Aquilera fan's comments and thought this piece was actually an article in the latest magazine but I wasn't able to find it. I could only find these online versions:

Scrolling list on Elle's website: http://www.elle.com/Pop-Culture/Movies-TV-Music-Books/The-ELLE-25-2010/The-ELLE-25

Full list on one page: http://opuluxeltd.wordpress.com/2010/09/07/the-elle-25-via-elle-com/

Christina Aguilera fans had this to say about the coverage and photo:

We'll see about upstaging Christina 

fierce. she looks like elvira.

Lahv lahv lahv/

That picture looks like something out of Moulin Rogue.

On the website it says the photo is courtesy of amazon.com where you can pre-order the companion book that comes out October 5th. I wonder if we'll be getting a sneak preview soon.  I ordered my copy!

[Website actually says: "Photo: Stephen Vaughan SMPSP/© 2010 Screen Gems Inc." but I ordered my copy too…except I ordered two copies.]

Omnicient one says: Thank God Cher is in this. I wonder how much press they would have gotten without her.

I'm kinda concerned that Christina hasn't done anything for it yet. Cher's been in EW, Elle, now Vanity Fair, at the VMA's. 


Screencap TeamTESS on Facebook is also starting to post screenshots from the movie. Is Cher on fire in that scene?


In other news, a writer at Huffington Post was happy Cher bared some ass at the VMAs last week:


Hooray for Cher! If She's Got a Booty Worth Baring at 64 — Then Bare Away!

I say — if Cher has still got a toned bootylicious body to die for, why shouldn't she flaunt it, just like she did twenty-four years ago when she first wore a version of this Bob Mackie-designed glittery getup? Listen, even 24 years ago her body was astonishing for a woman who was then 40. THAT, was a jaw-dropper at the time!

Burlesque, Album and Boy Assets!

Burlesque poster What a great time to be a Cher fan, huh? With posters like that?

This will look great next to the Tea with Mussolini poster!

And the trailer is up on the youtubes! How fun!


On my last night in LA, I got together with my bffs and we watched Witches of Eastwick on Blu-ray. I took the opportunity to show them the trailer…and I have to be honest, they hated it, thought it was full of cliche.

But I…am very excited about it.

She's also still tinkering with her album:

“It really won’t be Believe-ish,” she says. “It will be more…I don’t know how to say it. I can’t put a genre to it. It’s a little bit more real instruments, like guitars and stuff like that.” Don’t get too excited Cher fans: the singer admits she’s still very early in the recording process.

Says Cher, “I just got some of the songs and I’m just learning [them] so I’m kind of at that beginning stage where you’re taking baby steps.”


And…and…we got to see Cher out on the town with her beau…how exciting! I like this guy.


Cher’s Many BFFs

Santa Fe Okay…so the big news is (and the reason I’ve been so behind in these postings) is that my hubby and I are moving to Santa Fe, New Mexico, to work on a few projects. I’m going to work on a writing project and John is going back to school to get his masters in archeology/anthropology/southwestern studies.

I’ve made many moves in my life but this is one of the most bittersweet to be sure. I have so many great friends that I’ve made in LA. Then there’s the book fair, the Ojai art fair in Oct, the sunshine, the ocean, all the Dr. Seuss-like horticulture, the special movie screenings…

But if I’ve learned anything from the Cher story, it’s that the more things change, the more they stay Paulette the same. Take for instance her working relationships with her wig lady (she’s had the same one for like forever), or her long-time relationship with Bob Mackie, or all those houses she designed with Ron Wilson. Or her friendships with Doriana Sanchez and Paulette Betts. In fact, Paulette and Cher have been through decades of drama, Cher’s divorce from Sonny, their marriages to Allman Brothers’ band members, all Cher’s concert shows, infomercials, and paparazzi dramas.

On the outside, Cher seems to change into a whole new person every five years but relationship-wise, much stays the same.

Similarly, I met Julie about 15 years ago on the first day of graduate school at Sarah Lawrence near NYC. Our mutual friend Murph (who recently sent me an awesome wedding gift, a Rodin reproduction of two sculpted hands, she sent she said before thinking I may have carpel tunnel…which I thought was very funny) introduced us because we were sitting on either side of her and we were both two gals who had grown up in St. Louis. Julie and I bonded instantly over our underground passion for pop culture while we studied among those who despised it.

We started Ape Culture, an online pop culture zine and co-wrote a book of haikus about our hometown. She was also integral in my finishing the second Cher Zine, bucking me up when I almost gave up on it. We kept projects going while she went back to St. Louis for a semester to take care of her ailing mom (she lured me into the world of the Internet at that time…I still remember my first “Cher” search from a Sarah Lawrence computer lab she talked me into signing on to in order to use one of her email accounts) and while Julie spent almost a year in Australia and I had moved to Lancaster, PA.

0026_McCray-LoRes-WEB_20091114 Julie was the first woman I ever met with a no-holds-bared sense of humor. And seeing that, I was brave enough to try to be funny myself. Julie also talked me into driving on my onw in Manhattan and (albeit slowly) embracing technology (which is how I am blogging to you at this very moment).

My life has become infinitely richer from being friends with her. We have spent years tooling around New York City together (Halloween parades, literary readings and hole-in-the-wall restaurants) and years tooling around LA together (nerds interviewing celebrities after movie screenings). We’ve been through drama with boys, drunken New Year’s moments, and we even won a dog on a TV reality show. I don’t expect any of the mayhem to cease, even though I am moving away for a few years. I full expect us to be helping each other out of future jams in the coming decades and after that as old ladies touring Europe on our retirement funds.

Julie’s St. Louis Cardinal Blog

Julie and Jello


A Family That Sees Art Together Stays Together

Elijah-Blue-Allman-at-his-art-exhibit The Cher clan attended Elijah Blue's ‘Stuff of Legends’ Exhibit:




Cher flew in from Las Vegas on Friday to attend the opening of son Elijah Blue Allman’s    satellite exhibition ‘Stuff of Legends’ at the Madison Gallery in Malibu.  Also on hand was the artist’s half-brother Chaz Bono and his partner Jennifer Elia.

The exhibit consists of a series of paintings and installations that will be on display from July 2 – August 2, 2010. 

Last week, I went to Pasadena to the Norton Simon Museum (one of the things on my LA bucket list to do before I move away) and I saw two artists there working with brand themes that reminded me of Elihah's pieces.

Annie, Poured From Maple Syrup, 1966, by Edward Ruscha


and Tom Wesselman's Still Life #2, 1962


The magazine collage pasted into the window above cracked me up. I yearn to see something hopeful in the bleak brand abuse study.

Sooo…who is the guy in the hot pants?

Cher-at-Elijah-Blue-exhibit-Madison-Gallery-in-Malibu Cher-Chaz-and-Jennifer-attend-exhibit-in-Malibu-for-Elijah-Blue





Too Much News for One Little Cher Scholar to Take!

There is so much Cher news these days, it’s enough to make a scholar feel overwhelmed. Let's try to run through them all pretty quickly.

Rawhide Cher's boyfriend's comic book

I got my copies of The Rawhide Kid at The Comic Bug in Manhattan Beach, the closest comics store to my house. The dude there thanked me for supporting my local comic store vs. buying my comics on amazon. I bought the first collection,  Rawhide Kid, Slap Leather, and the first installment of the second series, The Sensational Seven. The lead character is a somewhat flaming cowboy hero and no one else, aside from all the women, can quite put their finger on it. I'm 100% hooked and LOL'd many times. There's plenty of pop culture references and visual gags. Study the faces of the cowboys behind the kid in the comic cover to the right for a giggle.

Seek them out at your local comic store.

California Diva

The site Californiality says Cher is "a megastar singer-songwriter, actress, director, record producer and native Californian.  She is the undisputed California Diva of all time."

And although the blogger states the pseudonym Bonnie Jo Mason is a name only suitable for country music, he calls Cher  “daring and provocative, she became the fashion trendsetter who popularized bellbottoms and the human navel."

Who popularized the other navels?

After Cher divorced Sonny Bono, I thought I finally had my big chance to marry her… 

Professionally, Cher is the ultimate California Diva but, personally, she's a cool individual who totally keeps it real.  She's part of what makes the California society the best on earth, and Californians love Cher more than anyone.

The Golden State, as the world's multi-ethnic capitol, has more Native Americans than any other state by far.  In 1973, Cher showed support for the America Indian Movement with a song that, still today, is deeply felt by millions of bi-racial and multi-ethnic Californians.  

Californiality recognizes and endorses Cher's fearless anthem as a definitive California theme.  Thank you, Cher.


04_cher-pg-horizontal Burlesque
News is HOT

A few weeks ago, movie stills showed up on the Internet:




Along with interviews of Christina Aguilera

"I love no-bull-(expletive) women, and she's the best of the best," Aguilera says of Cher, who plays Tess, owner of The Burlesque Lounge. "An original trendsetter in her time and a legend in mine. I found her kind and warm. She had helpful advice and stories for days."

Aguilera's famous pipes get a workout, along with her legs ("I've never danced so much in my life"). She wrote four songs for the soundtrack and does an Etta James oldie.

and the director Steven Antin in USA Today 

"Her manager loved the script but said: 'You know how hard it is to get Cher to commit. She is very dubious.' " He sent it to her anyway, as did mega-mogul David Geffen, a mutual acquaintance of Antin and Cher's.

"We had a meeting at her house and I begged her to do it," Antin says. "She said, 'This character is me. I can do this with my eyes closed.' "

But then she said no. Twice. Even after seeing Antin's office walls plastered with storyboards and reference material, which led her to call him "the most prepared director I've even seen."

The third time proved the charm. "Once she was on board, she was fully committed," Antin says of Cher, whose songs include a new Diane Warren ballad titled You Haven't Seen the Last of Me. "She was there 16 hours a day in 4-inch heels. It was a dream come true to me, saying 'Action' and giving Cher direction. A dream and a little scary."

It is a dream that former actor Antin, 52, who was one of Jodie Foster's attackers in 1988's The Accused, had been thinking about for 15 years or so, ever since he worked with choreographer sister Robin's burlesque troupe that would later evolve into the singing group the Pussycat Dolls.

His wish was to revive the old meaning of burlesque that came out of Victorian-era England instead of what it turned into in 20th-century America. "People think burlesque shows are rooted in some overtly sexual striptease with G-strings and pasties," he says. "But originally it was parody entertainment meant for the middle classes that was provocative, funny and always based in comedy. That's not to say the movie isn't really sexy. But it's PG-13 sexy."

Antin, who also wrote the script with some input from Susannah Grant (Erin Brockovich) and Diablo Cody (Juno), has no problem with comparing Burlesque with its racy costumes and bawdy humor to the likes of Cabaret, Moulin Rouge!, Gypsy, Flashdance and Chicago.

Just don't bring up the notorious 1995 Vegas trash-fest Showgirls.

"Burlesque really couldn't be further away from that," he says. "We are not objectifying women. We are empowering them. They hold all the cards."

And finally, The Lunchtime Poll by Michael Slezak


A gallery of seven stills from Burlesque hit the Internet this week, causing waves of excitement among diva aficionados, the Gays, fans of the small-town-girl-conquers-the-big-city film genre, and Bob Mackie (not that these categories are mutually exclusive, mind you). And while, personally, I’m curious to see whether Christina Aguilera the Actress is more Diana Ross in Lady Sings the Blues or Mariah Carey in Glitter, I’m even more stoked for the cinematic return of Cher!

Poll results from the first 13 days of polling, including my somewhat obvious vote:

  • the return of Cher – 55.3%
  • The big-screen debut of Xtina – 13.3%
  • The combined hotness of Stanley Tucci, Kristen Bell, Julianne Hough, Eric Dane, and Cam Gigandet – 31.4%

Obscenity Rule Overturned

A federal court ruling overturned a policy of the Federal Communications Commission intended to crack down on unscripted curse words and wardrobe malfunctions.

Slip-ups from Bono and Cher were used as examples when the FCC policy fined television networks that did not censor indecency, however spontaneous.

Fox and ABC challenged the "fleeting expletive" rule. On July 13, 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled   that the agency's policy was "unconstitutionally vague" and a violation of the First Amendment.

The Parents Television Council and other conservative groups have also targeted Fox's American Dad and (my favorite show) Family Guy as indecent shows

Washington-based Concerned Women for America says,

"A federal broadcast license is a privilege held in the public trust," said Jan LaRue, the group's chief counsel. "Pumping sewage into American homes during the family hour violates that trust."

The court said the FCC policy did not specify what comprised offensive material, other than banning sexual and excretory organs.

The Daytime Emmys

See Cher's video tribute to Dick Clark: http://www.cherworld.com/news/?p=1159

TV Appearances

Access Hollywood: See video of Cher being interviewed before the AFI tribute to Mike Nichols. I think Billy Bush refers to him as Mike Nicholson. Bush talks to Cher about her hurt foot as she stands in front of the step and repeat wall.  I suddenly feel like watching TV Land for some unknown reason. Cher is wearing a ring that gives everyone the finger. She tells a story about how Nichols made her and Meryl Streep cry before the weeping swing scene in Silkwood


Extra: Cher with "her best friend and choreographer, Doriana Sanchez."


 The Vegas Show

For some reason, I am again not getting my Cherworld.com rss feed to work…so I missed this awesome pic of Cher in character as pimp/Mafioso, all-around-Un-Diva from her Bob Seger medley…this new number and performance is as awesome as her tour d’Elvis in the “Walking in Memphis” Video.

Sheley Fralic reviews the show for The Vancouver Sun in a piece called "Cher Grande Dame of Showgirls"

Is there anything as radiant, and yet comforting and predictable, as the sun rising every morning in the eastern sky? Well, yes. Cher, actually.

Cher is all pop culture opera, an over-the-top modern day minstrel…it’s the smartest $2 a minute you’ll ever spend in the name of entertainment.

Oh yeah…Cher will tour again. I know. I know. She said for that whole farewell thing she had her fingers crossed behind her back.

No new set list, I’m staying home. If I have to see the same set list over and over again, ’d rather see it in Vegas.


Elijah Has a New Show

Elijahshow2 Elijah Blue's latest show is called "Stuff of Legends", presented this time by Kantor Gallery and Madison Gallery.

His first exhibition "Step and Repeat" presented by Kantor Gallery was reportedly sold out "with the Indianapolis Museum of Contemporary Art acquiring the final piece."

According to the release:

"both commentaries on the union of celebrity and commerce. "Step-and-Repeat" looked at the commercial medium of the step and repeat backdrop found on red carpets. "Stuff of Legends" is a further abstraction and smaller study on the nuances of the first series of paintings in "Step-and Repeat." Both take a Warhol-like look at logos and Blue explores the "current celebrity condition" as an Orwellian device. In an interview with ArtInfo in February for the "Step-and-Repeat" exhibit Blue said: "I watch Jersey Shore. I love it. I watch it and I am corrupted, and I am the symptom. I am not above any of this – there is no escaping what we have become. I am just commenting on it."

Yes, that always bears repeating.

The exhibition runs at the Madison Gallery 23410 Civic Center Way, Malibu, CA 90265-310.317.8787
2 July through 2 August

The release: http://www.luxist.com/2010/06/17/chers-son-takes-on-celebrity-in-second-art-exhibit/


Chaz in the Media

12_chaz_bono_mh Can you believe I found a pic of Chaz in front of a step and repeat wall?

Since December, Chaz has been doing some light press. There was a People article I missed from December. You can see this, as well as all things Chaz on his website: http://chazbono.net/press03.html

Recently, he also did some interviews with CNN and Anderson Cooper to help publicize the CNN documentary on transgendering "Her Name Was Steven."

Chaz said:

Starting the hormone therapy was "like going through puberty as a 14-year-old." "Your voice starts to deepen. You start to grow hair. You start to gain muscle mass."

Chaz says he's "so much happier, more confident… My life just feels right now. And there was always some kind of disease within myself before that just doesn't exist anymore."

As for how his family is dealing with the change, Chaz says they've been "pretty good" — though he doesn't speak about his famous mother specifically.

"My family's been pretty supportive," he says. "Everybody kind of comes to different points of understanding at different times…I've been talking about this for years, because this has been something I've been struggling with for years, so it wasn't really a surprise… And everybody's been pretty good. Pretty good."

Read more on the CNN Story:


By the way, Newsbusters is a right-wing news website that claims to "expose liberal bias in the media" similar, I suppose, to Media Matters on the left, a website which calls out conservative lie-making. I find it very interesting that Newsbusters covers gay issues at all, as if accepting gay and transgendered people takes a liberal bias. Which is, by the way, exactly what they believe. Their title is telling "CNN's Cooper Interviews 'Chaz' Bono as Part of Pro-Transgender Publicity." So, CNN is being implicitly criticized for interviewing Chaz "sympathetically."

These site's usage of terminology exemplifies how progressives and conservatives typically use language. Conservatives bust and bash with force. Progressives whine about what matters. I find It frustrating.

Video of the CNN interview: http://x17online.com/celebrities/chaz_bono/chaz_bono_to_anderson_cooper_i_felt_like_one_of_the_guys-03122010.php

It doesn't seem that Chaz is hugely comfortable being a spokesperson yet, although he is confident about his decision. You still see a lot of brow wrinkling in interviews.


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