a division of the Chersonian Institute

Category: Television (Page 18 of 23)

Cher Interviews! Can You Get Enough?

The great thing about Burlesque press is seeing how friendly Cher has become again. In TV interviews over the past years Cher has seemed tense and stern. It's fun to see her smiling again. 

A good online Cher interview:

  • When asked her beauty secret: “There's a team of five dozen people and it takes them two hours."
  • Asked about making friends on the road vs on the set: “You develop a real shorthand as to who you like…”
  • “I’m never going to do a lot of films”
  • Her secret to longevity: “I haven’t got a clue. I think it’s luck. I really do think it’s luck.”

The Movie Phone interview between Cher and Christina was fun:

  • When asked about her favorite gift from a fan she talks about a painting, I think she's talking about that Ward Lamb picture again.

An essay on Cher's appeal as a gay icon:

  • “Every gay icon possesses qualities through which we live vicariously…and with Cher you get more bang for your buck. It’s wish fulfillment on a grand scale.”
  • "She’s 'a woman like no other.' That’s basically the front of the line for gay men.”

The New York Times Interview:

  • She talks about needing foot surgery, and having aches and pains everywhere.
  • The Times describes her as having “a magnitude of celebrity for which the word fame is pathetically insufficient…Cher has come to seem the Sherman tank of divas, sometimes under fire but seldom in retreat.”
  • The author expresses discomfort with treating her like a mortal.
  • The big news:  Cher will soon host and introduce old favorite movies to be shown after midnight on the TCM channel.  Can’t wait to watch old movies with Cher!!
  • On her movie role choices: “Look, I have a very narrow range.” Me, I think think Cher should choose to a bad guy character next. Bad guys are fun to play. And she can exercize her bitchy look.
  • She tells a funny story about Barbra Streisand: When she flashed back to her favorite exercise class in Beverly Hills decades ago, the fellow crunchers and squatters were Raquel Welch, and Ali McGraw…and Streisand, who “would go over, do two little things, and then walk around and talk,” Cher said.

Regis-philbin-cher-kelly-ripa-2010-11-19-14-20-23 Regis and Kelly

This was one of my favorite interviews, maybe because I could relate to Kelly's giddiness or because they asked really fun questions and got Cher talking about life at home.

  • Regis said "You can't get bigger than this next guest."
  • Kelly said: "This is the greatest moment of my life."
  • Regis made me laugh when he joked with Cher: "Have you missed me at all?"
  • Cher admitted she's a great cook (Sonny taught me) but she only cooks on special occasions. Her specialty is sauces (Sonny’s sauce). Don't you think Christy Bono, Chaz and Cher ought to get together to commemorate Sonny with book of his recipes?
  • At Chez Cher, they do a traditional thanksgiving: turkey, mashed potatoes, spinach, sweet potatoes "with the bad marshmallows" and for Thanksgiving she dresses like a bum.
  • Cher and Regis have known each other since The Joey Bishop Show.
  • Cher says "We are all artists in our own life, all the star of our own life."
  • Kelly called Cher the original performance artist.
  • Cher said Lady Gaga's Meat purse “didn’t feel very nice.”
  • Cher insists she's not threatening or menacing and that younger men are attracted to her because "younger men were being rasied by women like me."
  • Cher claims she never sang in any of her movies? But she sang in Good Times, and for bits of Jimmy Dean, Mask (an entire song that got cut) and Tea with Mussolini.

Letterman David Letterman:

  • Letterman reminded Cher it was 23 years ago that she was on the NBC show with Sonny. (That makes me feel old.)
  • On signing autographs Cher says: "It takes as much time to say no as to say yes." (Can Cher do an intervention between autograph-hater Val Kilmer and the town of Pecos, NM?)
  • On expensive Vegas show tickets “My fans have a hard time with it.”
  • She has appreciated the Vegas show but likes arenas better. She jokes husbands must say: “I'll take you to see the naked old bitch and then I’m gambling.”
  • When Letterman reads out a list of men, Cher smiles the biggest for Gene Simmons. The name Michael Bolton elicits a “nooooo!”  Letterman askes "how many? and Cher says "we're not talking Cleopatra numbers."
  • November 13, 1987 was the airdate for the reunion with Sonny. On May 22, 1986 Cher called Letterman an asshole. For historians, Letterman said. Indeed, for historians. 
  • Discussions of Cher's gargantuan fortune seem to embarrass her.
  • Chaz thought about his gender change for 10-12 years. Letterman grapples with the difference between transgender and being gay. To my way of thinking: a gay man, for instance, likes men but also likes being a man. A man who wishes to become transgendered likes men too, but hates being a man.
  • Cher says she approves of Chaz's decision although throughout the process was not always calm about it. People have told Cher that Chaz is very brave (this got applause). 
  • They talked about the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame: Paul Shaffer doesn’t know anybody “over there” and Cher says “there’s a cool factor…if they don’t think you are…” Letterman said it's all about timing (in a self-knowing way, almost like he would take care of it.)

Good Morning America-Nightline-20/20: Abc_cher_cynthia_101115_mn

The annoying Cynthia McFadden interviews. Yes, she annoys me…maybe through no fault of her own. She reminds me of an annoying woman I work with. But on some level I also think she reminds me of an annoying archetype, not quite smug, but smuggy. And I really do hate the big interview chopped up over three shows. Cheap, cheap, cheap. And you had to watch all three…because none of them aired the same soundbites.

Good Morning America called their segment “Cher Unplugged”

  • The intro claimed incorrectly that Cher has had a #1 hit in the last five decades.
  • There are still no clips available of the Vegas show…they always show Farewell Tour clips when talking about the Vegas show. Will we see a Vegas special soon??  Bette Milder's The Showgirl Must Go On special is airing New Year's Even on HBO. I wish I had HBO.
  • On Motherhood: Cher said maybe she should have had children when she was older.

Nightline called their segment “Pure Cher”

  • The intro compared her to the Statue of Liberty and claimed she has had a "hit record in last 5 decades."
  • When asked about toughness, Cher says "No one’s tough all the time."
  • She hates being called ma’am and "no Miss Cher."
  • When asked about her movie roles, she said, “This is my fault, I’m sure. I haven’t stretched myself. I've done comfortable things." (I'm telling you, play a villain!)
  • Cher likes Lady Gaga’s "balls to the wall" outfits. (I still think all her costume changes for the VMAs were a bit too much)
  • Regarding the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame: "Everything’s about being cool. Very little is about reality.”
  • She feels she's been a good mother "in fits and starts."


  • The introduction traces her transformations from barefoot hippie (didn’t she always love shoes too much to ever go barefoot?) to sizzling singer to Oscar maven
  • This is Cher and Cynthia McFadden's 4th interview in 10 years.
  • Now the intro claims Cher has had "top 10 hits in five decades."
  • Cher says she was freightened for Chaz in the, beginning of her transgendering, feeling her doctor's  didn’t do due diligence on account of her celebrity. But that Chaz is "the same person. It made him happy."
  • When McFadden commented that now Cher has two sons, Cher said "I have 2 sons. Never thought that would be. You get what you get. You get what belongs to you.” That would have to be my favorite quote of all these interviews: you get what belongs to you.

ImagesCAHIZIN9 Jay Leno:

  • Leno and Cher talk about the specialness of getting her footprints at the Grauman’s Theater and her outfit snafu, the missing slip and the peek-a-boo turquoise g-string, Cher blanking on the spelling of her name. Where is the E? Jay said about adding Cher to the footprints: "You would've thought they’d have done it 20 years ago." Amen.
  • They talked about Cher dating Leno's friend Ron Zimmerman and Cher called their relationship "hillbilly cousins" and talked about meeting him on Facebook.

Parade Magazine:

  • They called her Malibu house "ponderously self-important."
  • Cher talked about having 4 miscarriages and about Sonny’s womanizing ("five women weren’t enough") and how she later asked him how he juggled all those women logistically?
  • She talked about Elijah's art shows and said he has been asked to design a Louis Vuitton label – considering the content of his last two shows, wouldn't it seem odd if he did that?

Vanity Fair:

  • Cher talks about Elijah's art show and says he has sold everything.
  • Cher says her kids both had the addictions of their fathers: heroin for Elijah, pain meds for Chaz but that Georgeanne and Cher didn’t get the addictions of their fathers. Georgeanne's Dad was alcoholic and Cher’s was addicted to heroin. Cher says she has "the constitution of a fruit fly."
  • Her Grandma recently died at age 96 and that she "was a mean bitch most of the time."
  • Interestingly, Cher's mom Georgia talks about her mother in the interview below: “my mother left when I was about 5…got custody of me at 12 and then she decided she didn’t want me. She told me to go back to my father." That sounds really awful.  How can that not affect you and your ability to mother? Affect your self esteem?
  • Cher speculated that "if sonny had agreed to disband Cher Enterprises and start all over again, I never would have left." She said he had such a tight grip.
  • She told a longer form of the old Johnny Carson story, where he kicks her out of the room.
  • Robert Camilletti still comes over to Christmas dinner.
  • Jen has been her personal assistant for 17 years; Deb has been with her for 34 years.
  • They called Bob Mackie "the sultan of sequins."

Whew! A lot of tidbits to slog through, no?


TV and Magazine Alerts

Chernewyork Spent last week in Cancun soaking up the sun and swimming with dolphins. Pics and more commentary on Cher's latest interviews to come, including commentary on Vanity Fair and Letterman.

Meanwhile, we have to keep on top of our latest happenings.

Pic to the left: Cher in New York to tape various TV appearances.













Parade: Cher will be on the cover on Sunday's Parade Magazine. Buy a Sunday Nov 21 paper in your town and get the insert magazine.

Entertainment Weekly: Nov 19 issue has holiday movie previews including Burlesque with a few pages of photos.

TV Appearances:

  • Good Morning America – November 19
  • Regis and Kelly – November 19
  • 20/20 – November 19
  • American Music Awards – November 21
  • Jay Leno – November 24 (This one will be painful for me. I hate that show.)


TV Alert: Bursque Stuff

51D5hFiJmqL__SL500_AA300_ Today, September 30, Cher will be on Entertainment Tonight talking about Burlesque and showing new scenes from the movie.

The CD is also ready for preorder. Get it soon so you can sing along (quietyly) during the movie. The CD comes out November 16.





 The book comes out next week!! Who-hoo!






Poster photo The stands are already up in movie theater in LA (as sent to me by Coolia via iPhone)…very cool!





50473_158207684208932_7600_n And the Spanish poster is out.

NOCHES DE ENCANTO, which literally translated means Night Charm.

Umm…¿Puede alguien explicar que el título de mi?

As you can see, they gave Cher pink eyeshadow and juiced up the color a bit. 

Burlesque Promotion Heats Up & Xtina Fans Are Talking

Cherburlesquenew Burlesque is busy promoting itself two months out. Some say an onslaught of early promotion is a bad sign…for a bad movie. But we shall see.

Apparently a short commercial was seen on Glee(check your YourTubes). Cher also was featured in an Elle Magazine online list "The Elle-25" on August 30 with the picture below:

In a year of head-hanging cultural low points (we’re looking at you, Jersey Shore), ELLE presents the 25 best reasons to keep the faith—from the year’s must-hear genre-busting albums to Cher’s showstopping return to celluloid. (We’ll fist pump to that!)


She gave us indelible performances in ’80s flicks Moonstruck, Mask, and Silkwood.Cherelle

Now Oscar-winning triple threat and grande dame of camp Cher is back on celluloid as the tough-broad owner of a musical revue nightclub in November’s Burlesque. Belting out a racy number in a sequined bustier with enough screen presence to upstage all the pretty young things in fishnets (including Christina Aguilera and Kristen Bell), Cher’s mama hen nabs the movie’s best lines and flaunts the biggest hair.—R.R.

I was confused by an Aquilera fan's comments and thought this piece was actually an article in the latest magazine but I wasn't able to find it. I could only find these online versions:

Scrolling list on Elle's website: http://www.elle.com/Pop-Culture/Movies-TV-Music-Books/The-ELLE-25-2010/The-ELLE-25

Full list on one page: http://opuluxeltd.wordpress.com/2010/09/07/the-elle-25-via-elle-com/

Christina Aguilera fans had this to say about the coverage and photo:

We'll see about upstaging Christina 

fierce. she looks like elvira.

Lahv lahv lahv/

That picture looks like something out of Moulin Rogue.

On the website it says the photo is courtesy of amazon.com where you can pre-order the companion book that comes out October 5th. I wonder if we'll be getting a sneak preview soon.  I ordered my copy!

[Website actually says: "Photo: Stephen Vaughan SMPSP/© 2010 Screen Gems Inc." but I ordered my copy too…except I ordered two copies.]

Omnicient one says: Thank God Cher is in this. I wonder how much press they would have gotten without her.

I'm kinda concerned that Christina hasn't done anything for it yet. Cher's been in EW, Elle, now Vanity Fair, at the VMA's. 


Screencap TeamTESS on Facebook is also starting to post screenshots from the movie. Is Cher on fire in that scene?


In other news, a writer at Huffington Post was happy Cher bared some ass at the VMAs last week:


Hooray for Cher! If She's Got a Booty Worth Baring at 64 — Then Bare Away!

I say — if Cher has still got a toned bootylicious body to die for, why shouldn't she flaunt it, just like she did twenty-four years ago when she first wore a version of this Bob Mackie-designed glittery getup? Listen, even 24 years ago her body was astonishing for a woman who was then 40. THAT, was a jaw-dropper at the time!

Last Weeks’s Outfit Wars

Cherladygaga3Cher presented the final award of the night at MTV's Video Music Awards.

According to:


Cher praised Lady Gaga's "meat" outfit a day after she presented her with the MTV Video Music Award for Video of the Year for "Bad Romance", adding that the pop singer's purse, made out of the same material, was "genius."

"Loved doing VMA's!" Cher wrote on her Twitter page. "Lady Gaga rocked it. Meat Dress was So INTERESTING Up Close. The way it was cut & fitted to her body was AMAZING! Meat purse was genius! As Art piece it was astonishing! No moral Judgement!"

Lady Gaga won 8 little trophies Sunday night and made a few dramatic costume changes, which I think was overkill but then I think everything about Lady Gaga is overkill. And she's less interesting to me than Paloma Faith, who is doing similar theatrics.

Cherladygaga2 One of Gaga's dresses did cause a stir, her meat dress and purse ("I never thought I'd be asking Cher to hold my meat purse"…well, who would?). Apparently a similar "meat bikini" worn on Vogue caused a ruffle from PETA. Lady Gaga is allegedly a vegan so I don't know if that was a statement of some kind but…it's more of the vague, over-emotive-yet-emotionless overkill I come to expect from LG.

But no…it seems LG claims she wore meat to protest "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"

Lady Gaga arrived at the ceremony in Los Angeles on Sunday with several members of the U.S. military to protest the long-standing "Don't Ask, Don't tell" policy, which was recently overturned in California. "It is a devastation to me that I know my fans who are gay, who feel like bad kids, they feel like they have oppression, government oppression on them," she told Ellen Degeneres on her talk show following the ceremony, which saw her win eight awards. "That's actually why I wore the meat tonight."

Chergaga Huh?

Okay, I fully support bringing gay military to the event to protest Don't Ask, Don't Tell. You have me there…but trying to rationalize that with duct tape to your meat dress…makes no sense and is PR junk in my ear.

LG said about the dress:

"However, it has many interpretations, but for me this evening … If we don't stand up for what we believe in and if we don't fight for our rights, pretty soon we're going to have as much rights as the meat on our own bones. And I am not a piece of meat."

I guess everything has so many interpretations…you can always throw that asinine comment into the argument. But truth be told, some interpretations are stupid.

No judgment.

Cher, also known for her wild outfits, had appeared at the MTV Video Music Awards wearing a black bodysuit she wore more than 20 years ago in her 1989 music video "If I Could Turn Back Time", which was seen as risque when it premiered.

Anyway…for the best outfit of the week, I am voting for Zozobra, the marionette they burned last Thursday night in Santa Fe…like Burning Man but on a smaller scale.

It was just the enormity of the outfit and the fact it got torched at the end of the night…now that's entertainment!






Okay, now don't get me started on how big that Cher wig is.


TV Alert: Cher on VMA Tonight!

MainmanCher will be presenting on MTV's Video Music Awards tonight live.See more info at Cher World: http://www.cherworld.com/news/?p=1211

Remember when Cher sang "Main Man" on the VMA's back in 1988, twenty-two f-ing years ago!


Here were all the performers that night:

   1. Rod Stewart – "Forever Young"
   2. Jody Watley – "Some Kind of Lover"
   3. Aerosmith – "Dude (Looks Like a Lady)"
   4. Elton John – "I Don't Wanna Go On With You"
   5. Bobby McFerrin – "Review of the Balloting Rules & Regulations"
   6. Depeche Mode – "Strangelove"
   7. Crowded House – "Better Be Home Soon"
   8. Michael Jackson – "Bad"
   9. Cher – "Main Man"
  10. Chubby Checker & Fat Boys – "Louie, Louie" / "The Twist"
  11. Guns N' Roses – "Welcome to the Jungle"
  12. INXS – "New Sensation"

I….feel…old. But on the bright side, Cher out-lasted Guns N' Roses and INXS.  And Rod Stewart is barely hanging in there.

You can never count Aerosmith out, especially considering all those Blockbuster Soundtracks there are in the world left to do. I wonder if we would have been seeing Michael Jackson on this year's award show had he not passed away last year.

And I bet you will see tonight that jinormous earrings are back in town. It's almost like those 22 years never happened.

Too Much News for One Little Cher Scholar to Take!

There is so much Cher news these days, it’s enough to make a scholar feel overwhelmed. Let's try to run through them all pretty quickly.

Rawhide Cher's boyfriend's comic book

I got my copies of The Rawhide Kid at The Comic Bug in Manhattan Beach, the closest comics store to my house. The dude there thanked me for supporting my local comic store vs. buying my comics on amazon. I bought the first collection,  Rawhide Kid, Slap Leather, and the first installment of the second series, The Sensational Seven. The lead character is a somewhat flaming cowboy hero and no one else, aside from all the women, can quite put their finger on it. I'm 100% hooked and LOL'd many times. There's plenty of pop culture references and visual gags. Study the faces of the cowboys behind the kid in the comic cover to the right for a giggle.

Seek them out at your local comic store.

California Diva

The site Californiality says Cher is "a megastar singer-songwriter, actress, director, record producer and native Californian.  She is the undisputed California Diva of all time."

And although the blogger states the pseudonym Bonnie Jo Mason is a name only suitable for country music, he calls Cher  “daring and provocative, she became the fashion trendsetter who popularized bellbottoms and the human navel."

Who popularized the other navels?

After Cher divorced Sonny Bono, I thought I finally had my big chance to marry her… 

Professionally, Cher is the ultimate California Diva but, personally, she's a cool individual who totally keeps it real.  She's part of what makes the California society the best on earth, and Californians love Cher more than anyone.

The Golden State, as the world's multi-ethnic capitol, has more Native Americans than any other state by far.  In 1973, Cher showed support for the America Indian Movement with a song that, still today, is deeply felt by millions of bi-racial and multi-ethnic Californians.  

Californiality recognizes and endorses Cher's fearless anthem as a definitive California theme.  Thank you, Cher.


04_cher-pg-horizontal Burlesque
News is HOT

A few weeks ago, movie stills showed up on the Internet:




Along with interviews of Christina Aguilera

"I love no-bull-(expletive) women, and she's the best of the best," Aguilera says of Cher, who plays Tess, owner of The Burlesque Lounge. "An original trendsetter in her time and a legend in mine. I found her kind and warm. She had helpful advice and stories for days."

Aguilera's famous pipes get a workout, along with her legs ("I've never danced so much in my life"). She wrote four songs for the soundtrack and does an Etta James oldie.

and the director Steven Antin in USA Today 

"Her manager loved the script but said: 'You know how hard it is to get Cher to commit. She is very dubious.' " He sent it to her anyway, as did mega-mogul David Geffen, a mutual acquaintance of Antin and Cher's.

"We had a meeting at her house and I begged her to do it," Antin says. "She said, 'This character is me. I can do this with my eyes closed.' "

But then she said no. Twice. Even after seeing Antin's office walls plastered with storyboards and reference material, which led her to call him "the most prepared director I've even seen."

The third time proved the charm. "Once she was on board, she was fully committed," Antin says of Cher, whose songs include a new Diane Warren ballad titled You Haven't Seen the Last of Me. "She was there 16 hours a day in 4-inch heels. It was a dream come true to me, saying 'Action' and giving Cher direction. A dream and a little scary."

It is a dream that former actor Antin, 52, who was one of Jodie Foster's attackers in 1988's The Accused, had been thinking about for 15 years or so, ever since he worked with choreographer sister Robin's burlesque troupe that would later evolve into the singing group the Pussycat Dolls.

His wish was to revive the old meaning of burlesque that came out of Victorian-era England instead of what it turned into in 20th-century America. "People think burlesque shows are rooted in some overtly sexual striptease with G-strings and pasties," he says. "But originally it was parody entertainment meant for the middle classes that was provocative, funny and always based in comedy. That's not to say the movie isn't really sexy. But it's PG-13 sexy."

Antin, who also wrote the script with some input from Susannah Grant (Erin Brockovich) and Diablo Cody (Juno), has no problem with comparing Burlesque with its racy costumes and bawdy humor to the likes of Cabaret, Moulin Rouge!, Gypsy, Flashdance and Chicago.

Just don't bring up the notorious 1995 Vegas trash-fest Showgirls.

"Burlesque really couldn't be further away from that," he says. "We are not objectifying women. We are empowering them. They hold all the cards."

And finally, The Lunchtime Poll by Michael Slezak


A gallery of seven stills from Burlesque hit the Internet this week, causing waves of excitement among diva aficionados, the Gays, fans of the small-town-girl-conquers-the-big-city film genre, and Bob Mackie (not that these categories are mutually exclusive, mind you). And while, personally, I’m curious to see whether Christina Aguilera the Actress is more Diana Ross in Lady Sings the Blues or Mariah Carey in Glitter, I’m even more stoked for the cinematic return of Cher!

Poll results from the first 13 days of polling, including my somewhat obvious vote:

  • the return of Cher – 55.3%
  • The big-screen debut of Xtina – 13.3%
  • The combined hotness of Stanley Tucci, Kristen Bell, Julianne Hough, Eric Dane, and Cam Gigandet – 31.4%

Obscenity Rule Overturned

A federal court ruling overturned a policy of the Federal Communications Commission intended to crack down on unscripted curse words and wardrobe malfunctions.

Slip-ups from Bono and Cher were used as examples when the FCC policy fined television networks that did not censor indecency, however spontaneous.

Fox and ABC challenged the "fleeting expletive" rule. On July 13, 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled   that the agency's policy was "unconstitutionally vague" and a violation of the First Amendment.

The Parents Television Council and other conservative groups have also targeted Fox's American Dad and (my favorite show) Family Guy as indecent shows

Washington-based Concerned Women for America says,

"A federal broadcast license is a privilege held in the public trust," said Jan LaRue, the group's chief counsel. "Pumping sewage into American homes during the family hour violates that trust."

The court said the FCC policy did not specify what comprised offensive material, other than banning sexual and excretory organs.

The Daytime Emmys

See Cher's video tribute to Dick Clark: http://www.cherworld.com/news/?p=1159

TV Appearances

Access Hollywood: See video of Cher being interviewed before the AFI tribute to Mike Nichols. I think Billy Bush refers to him as Mike Nicholson. Bush talks to Cher about her hurt foot as she stands in front of the step and repeat wall.  I suddenly feel like watching TV Land for some unknown reason. Cher is wearing a ring that gives everyone the finger. She tells a story about how Nichols made her and Meryl Streep cry before the weeping swing scene in Silkwood


Extra: Cher with "her best friend and choreographer, Doriana Sanchez."


 The Vegas Show

For some reason, I am again not getting my Cherworld.com rss feed to work…so I missed this awesome pic of Cher in character as pimp/Mafioso, all-around-Un-Diva from her Bob Seger medley…this new number and performance is as awesome as her tour d’Elvis in the “Walking in Memphis” Video.

Sheley Fralic reviews the show for The Vancouver Sun in a piece called "Cher Grande Dame of Showgirls"

Is there anything as radiant, and yet comforting and predictable, as the sun rising every morning in the eastern sky? Well, yes. Cher, actually.

Cher is all pop culture opera, an over-the-top modern day minstrel…it’s the smartest $2 a minute you’ll ever spend in the name of entertainment.

Oh yeah…Cher will tour again. I know. I know. She said for that whole farewell thing she had her fingers crossed behind her back.

No new set list, I’m staying home. If I have to see the same set list over and over again, ’d rather see it in Vegas.


TV Alert: AFI’s Tribute of Mike Nichols

The AFI Tribute of Mike Nichols airs this Saturday night on TVLand. Check your local listings. Highlights of the event show the sparkling, glowing Cher we love…

Cher with old friend David Geffen…


"Mary Louise" Streep makes Cher laugh…


Cher giving the "what the Hell are you talking about?" look…



She speaks…


She performs…


She charms…


She sizzles….




See the full photo slide-show.

Updates in Vegas, Love, Charity and Oprah

Cherx-large While convalescing (which entails staying away from the computer, sad to say), I went to see Cher and Barry Manilow in Las Vegas during the first weekend of May. My friends Julie and Dave and Nellie went with us.  The opening monologue still went on too long and generally confused Nellie, a Vegas singer and dancer. But the show as a whole was pretty great, especially with the new Bob Seger segment – a seedy rendition of "Fire Down Below" spliced with a fun-loving version of "Old Time Rock and Roll. Cher comes out as a male pimp/gangster (see Mackie sketch below…the real image of it is far more amazing, however) with a gargantuan feather towering over her head. Like in the video "Walking in Memphis" she nearly successfully sublimates her physicality with masculine motions. She appears tinier as a result. Just as when she does Elvis in the video. She quickly transforms onstage into a sexy redheaded moll in a yellow dress for the second song. Great sexy set and a creative and exciting performance. It steals the show for me. She sings "Love Hurts" now from the big pearl.

The set list:Mackie4FireDownBelow

I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
Laverne segment
Fire Down Below
Old Time Rock & Roll
The Beat Goes On
All I Really Wanna Do
Gypsies, Tramps & Thieves
Dark Lady
Half Breed
Don't Leave Me This Way
Take Me Home
Love Hurts
After All
Walking In Memphis
If I Could Turn Back Time

It was like a high school flashback to see Barry Manilow the next night. Actually, it was not my choice to see Barry. I've long lost touch with his career. But my husband chose Barry over a Cirque show, reasoning that Cirque will be in Vegas forever; Barry may not be with us forever. Since I was a pre-teen I've seen Barry quite a few times, including at the Hilton a few year's back when he first came to Vegas. His show at the Paris casino was very emotional for me somehow. Our tickets upgraded to the orchestra so I was closer than I've ever been and everything was much smaller scale and personal, including a lovely tribute the paintings of the Louvre.  He did a breath-taking (literally) rendition of "Weekend in New England" and no fans were asked to sing "Can't Smile Without You" for which I was thankful. It was very sad to think this may be the last time I'd ever see him.

But enough of that…Cher's Got a New Boyfriend!

Ron The news outing started here.

He's a comic and comic book writer. Here's his Wikipedia Page.

He had me at comics.

You can purchase his Ultimate Adventures book on Amazon.

He's also interestingly a Howard Stern co-hort and his dating  of Cher has been discussed on Stern's radio show:


Howard looked forward to his weekend trip to LA, saying he might go visit his old friend Ron Zimmerman at his new girlfriend's house: "[I'm] probably going to go up to Cher's Malibu place and hang with her and Ron…Cher doesn't know anything about it." Howard joked that Cher would probably sequester him to a 'safe room': "Ron told me they have a special room for people like me at Cher's house. Like Ron's riff-raff friends."

Cher's New Charity Donation


Bedazzles a Dog to Help Homeless Pets

The one and only Cher is stepping up to help homeless animals this weekend in the Cherpetsbest way she knows how: with outrageous fashions and lots of sparkle! The pop diva is donating this crystal-studded ceramic dog to the Animal Foundation's Seventh Annual Best in Show event. Decorated with 11,520 Swarovski crystals, the dog will be available for auction, with proceeds going to charity.

The flashy canine was all the singer's idea, inspired by the glittery, sequined costumes of her current Las Vegas show. And though many Sin City headliners are donating similar works to the auction, Cher is by far the biggest name to participate.

Best in Show is a fund-raiser that showcases 60 dogs available for adoption from the Lied Animal Shelter in Las Vegas.

Josh and Cher on Oprah!

Oprah arranged a meetup between Cher and her huge fan Josh. I agree with Kitty's comment on the show positng: https://cherscholar.com/cherblog/2010/05/tv-alert-orpah-.html

It was very touching and I thought Josh was amazingly eloquent and possessed. Here is the experience in a nutshell (with a tiny bit of extra footage not seen on the show): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1xQb15ENtk

And finally, an astute Cher Scholar emailed me this clip of Paul Anka singing the song "Flashback" just like Cher sang it on her 1976 I'd Rather Believe in You album: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5RzOlDE7mk

Speaking of album, many new Cher album rumors are flying, including one that Cher would sing a new single "Already Been There" on the May 18 World Music Awards. There was no hint of that on the WMA web site and not surprisingly it didn't happen. Cher is also stoking rumors that she will tour again to support the new album, rumored to be released in conjunction with her new movie Burlesque around Thanksgiving this year. 

TV Alert – Orpah

Gal_oprah Cher will be on Oprah Monday May 10 (check your local listings). According to my Comcast listing, she'll be appearing with a fan. Interesting!

By the way, Cher Scholar is on non-Cher-related medical leave and convalescence and hopes to be back soon for further snarky Cher dishing!

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