a division of the Chersonian Institute

Category: Television (Page 19 of 23)

Name Dropping at the Academy of Country Music Awards

DCher-cma Does Cher plan to lasso some young and defenseless country singer with that chain on her hip?

The funny thing about Cher's Sunday appearance on the ACMA's is the sound of Reba McEntire introducing her. God love her, it came out more like ChhErr.

And Cher got a Standing O from this surprising audience. Well, it shouldn’t be such a surprise that they love a good femme-Elvis when they see one. Awww, they’ll all just closet fans, you know it.

But to back it up, Cher talked about her "country creds." You know, creds…credentials…authenticity. Hmmm. I would have bought it more if she had worn a cowboy hat.

I would seriously like to hear more details about her mom  Georgia Holt's gig with “a little band called Bob Wills and the Texas Playboys.” Cher also teased us about a duet with “my good friend Merle Haggard (wouldn't that be sweet!); but then she followed it up by saying she had a "hard time wrapping her head around "Haggard & Cher." She also spoke about the first song her mom ever taught her, "Hey Good Lookin."

At the end, Cher introduced Blake Shelton, who performed his No. 1 hit “Hillbilly Bone” with Trace Adkins. Blake had this to say:

“I’ve never met Cher, probably never will, but knowing that she said my name on national television – that’s badass.”

His girlfriend, Miranda Lambert, who scored various awards the same night for Video of the Year, Album of the Year and Top Female Vocalist of the Year, attended the show with her little shelter dog from Ada, Oklahoma, a dog coincidentally named “Cher.” During the show, the puppy waited backstage in the dressing room.

Jeremy Helligar of True/Slant had this to say about Cher's appearance:

Phase Two of Project Cher’s Comeback officially began on Sunday night with her appearance at the Academy of Country Music Awards in Las Vegas, where she’s been performing regularly since 2008. (Phase One was her presenting gig with Christina Aguilera at the Golden Globes in January.) She’s no doubt hoping it culminates with her third Oscar nomination for Burlesque, her first movie since Stuck on You in 2003.

Cher is the kind of star that we simultaneously love and laugh at, so there’s a surge of optimism surrounding her comeback hopes (or maybe that’s just among her gay fans). Though the presence of her more polarizing costar Aguilera means it could go either way, when it comes to Cher, who launched previously successful — and improbable — comebacks in 1979, 1987, and 1998, anything can happen, and it usually does.



An old People Magazine about Georgia Holt (who's larger story seems like it would be a very interesting tale): http://www.people.com/people/archive/article/0,,20071447,00.html


The Golden Globes

Onsage We’re all very excited about the appearance on The Golden Globes last Sunday (the Associated Press’ big to-do every year). Cher looked mahvelous. Below are some of the blog comments from the event. I notice we are back in a period of public Cher love these days, which is nice. Even the snarky bloggers who crack the plastic surgery jokes ad nauseum still can’t hide their appreciation for Cher right now.

This blogger thought she could have worn something more shocking as she does.

“I think you look pretty good, actually. But still, you know, CHER-Y. I mean, you are outrageous. This is actually pretty low key for you. You could have gone way crazier.”

This blogger reminded us that Cher mis-pronounced Michael Giacchino’s name, which reminded me of the Oscars presentation back in the 70s. Didn't Cher mispronouncing Marvin Hamlisch’s name? And by some fateful coincidence, Hamlisch was a nominee in her presentation category again 30 years later. It’s like that faux pas could have happened again!Cher

“Best original score and original song presenter Cher (below, with Christina Aguilera), mangled the name of best score winner Michael Giacchino (for Up), calling him "Michael Giancino," while Felicity Huffman, of both Desperate Housewives and Transamerica, made a funny mess of her Hollywood Foreign Press Association announcement. "This was not at all how it was gonna go," she exclaimed at one point, before telling the audience and the millions of television viewers that the HFPA has donated "$10 million to film-related charities."


I have to agree with this blogger below. But who am I to say? Maybe one of them needed emotional support from a sistah that night. 

“Burlesque co-stars Cher and Christina Aguilera. They even held hands! So adorable. And weird.”Gallery_main-christina-aguilera-cher-2010-golden-globes-awards-red-carpet-photos-01172010-07

In a blog bashing Demi Moore:

“In sharp contrast, immortal singing sensation, Cher, managed to get herself to the event to co-present with Christina Aguilera. The undead Cher look remarkably life-life in her burlesque-inspired gown, which showed off just the right amount of reconstituted flesh.”

I love “immortal singing sensation” on so many levels.

A shopping blog? From here come some good details on the fashion.

“Cher went a big goth with a black gown featuring a laced up asymmetrical neckline. Her hair Christina-aguilera-golden-globes-2010-red-carpet-03 and makeup were especially pretty. Christina looked stunning with her new bob, subdued makeup and a peach Versace chiffon gown with fitted bodice. Christina accessorized with jewelry by Webster and a clutch by Judith Lieber.”

Lotta pics here: http://www.cherworld.com/cherphotos/thumbnails.php?
Video of the presentation: http://www.cherworld.com/news/?p=948
Video of an after -arty interview http://www.cherworld.com/news/?p=954

The last picture looks like Christina shows real affection for Cher.

Can I just say, the site Cher World rocks.


TV Alert and A Happening in Movieland

Christina-cher-010710-2 First things first: Cher will be a presenter this Sunday on the Golden Globes: http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/wireStory?id=9511158 

Don't miss it.

Next, there's very exciting news for Cher fans right now on the movie front.

Movies are coming! Movies are coming!

Let's take an inventory. According to imdb, Drop Out is still in pre-production and not much information has been assembled on it (hmmm–not good news.) But Zookeeper is already in post-production with a release date of Oct 8! Yipee!

And Burlesque is filming even as we speak.

Last week, film action was seen on the streets of Hollywood with pictures and video posted on the Internet immediately. It has the looks of unwanted paparazzi. Which brings us to an interesting point:  Cher is making movies now in the hyper-media blogging age. Filming a scene on the street now is hard to hide. Internet news cycles now provide near-real time sneak peaks into things.

I can’t imagine this scenario during the filming of Witches of Eastwick (by the way, what happenedWitches_of_eastwick_003 to this orgiastic scene from the movie? Does anybody ever wonder where this still came from?). As it turned out, I was visiting my brother in Massachusetts when Witches was soon to be in production there. The locals were the only ones who knew of upcoming filming dates because extras were being sought.  I don't know if filming ever happened there (people from Wicca created a fuss), but I felt like such an insider for knowing even that measly piece of information. Much has changed.

Here are many shots of Cher on Burlesque filming January 7:


What's your vote on that jacket?

Below is actual video from the filming:

The release date for Burlesque is November 24, which is earlier than the previous estimate of 2011. Let's hope everything goes well.

I just want to say…this movie is full of the beautiful people.

Christina Kristen



Okay, maybe not Alan Cumming.


Burlesque News is HOT / Cher on TV

Christina_cher Kristen Bell finds working with Cher and Aquilera spicy! Might turn lesbian.

Stay tuned.




In other news, Cher will make an appearance on the Golden Globes with Aguilera Sunday January 17:


Who will wear the more shocking outfit and hair-do??


New Critiques

As Sonny says in Good Times, everyone's a critic today!

Seriously, mostly people sigh wistfully for the woebegone days of Cher’s fake-nakedness. This guy, Johnny Dee, blames Cher for the slutty stylings of today. But we all know pop culture was slutifying long before Cher came along with her navel-sequins and scandalous arm pits.


Porn meets pop: Cher has a lot to answer for
How did a basque and fishnets become the uniform of girlie pop? It all started in 1989…

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S&C Singing “Stagger Lee”

Stagger-lee-ish Besides "Walking in Memphis" mashups, here’s something else I love to death, Sonny & Cher singing "Stagger Lee" on The S&C Comedy Hour. I used to play this song over and over on my cassette player  (as recently as 2002 when I was still walking around Marina del Rey with my walkman and my old dog Helga (RIP). I adore the S&C version. It’s so 70s-cool.

My bf and I (with the help of the video-editing skillz of my father) are making videos for our wedding reception. Lots of wedding drama ensued this week – both good and bad – from guest-list drama, to invitation-envelope drama, to dress drama. Meanwhile, my bf and his mom are picking through Mickey Gilley songs for their special dance (Gilley is his moms fav artist and she goes to see him in Branson all the time).

To get a video started, my dad sent me Gilley’s version of “Bring it On Home to Me” which I love and wish they would dance to. However, my bf is stuck on "A Room Full of Roses"  but this is kind of a depressing song and his mother prefers "True Love Ways."

Listening to them all I came across Gilley’s version of "Stagger Lee" which reminded me to look up and see who all recorded it (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stagger_Lee_(song)It’s). It's allegedly based on a true story about a cab-driving murderer from, of all places, St. Louis, Missouri (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stagger_Lee_Shelton

Anyway, the S&C show version ROCKS and I wish there was a YouTube clip o that.


Adam Lambert and Cher

Adamlambert You may have heard that Adam Lambert did not win American Idol last night. He came in second to the very likable Kris Allen. However, Adam remains the blazing star of the show, even in Kris’ estimation.

See? That’s how nice Kris is.

Time Magazine recently published an article about how Idol has produced many singers who can sing perfectly pleasant songs, but Adam is idol’s very first star. In fact, they called him the Un-Idol.

Adam has a kind of Cher-like quality about him, not just because he blew “Believe” out of the water during Hollywood week. The guy is just full throttle and there’s this sense of fulfilled theatrical promise about him. He was strategically polished for an Idol contestant, which made him an almost unfair competitor in this decidedly amateur show. His versatility was engaging. He could do soul, alt-country, torch and then fire his pipes like an 80s glam rocker, a reincarnated Freddie Mercury.

But I think in some sense he was my fantasy of what fully-fulfilled Cher singer could be – had she embraced a 100% torch theatricality that the splendid Sonny & Cher Comedy Hour solos only hinted at.

This article by Mary Zeiher catalogs his key performances on the show (including a slam on Cher’s performance of "Believe").

“Adam Lambert American Idol performance #2: Remember in Hollywood Week when he sang Cher's "Believe"? When I heard what he was going to sing, I immediately thought "Oh, we are done with Adam Lambert. No one can do that song well. Cher doesn't even do that song well." But again he out-shone the competition.”

I actually disagree with her assessment and think although I don't love the song, Cher does as well as anyone with it.

On a related note, Bette Midler had something nice to say about (gasp!) Cher and then something a bit odd to say about Adam Lambert:

If he doesn't win American Idol, Midler doesn't think it means homophobia has reared its ugly, discriminatory head. "Don't take it as a slap in the face if you're a gay person," she said. "I pray that people don't get pissed off."

(Well, Adam did really well in this year's Idol competition so I don’t see evidence of widespread homophobia in American voters, who are every day skewing more tolerant in national polls on gay issues. I guess Family First-types could be behind all the Kris votes… but man, what a pathetic waste of time that would be, dudes.)

On Cher —

"I saw her show, and it was unbelievable," Midler gushes. "It was absolutely terrific. I had a great time. She looked great, sounded great and gave it her all. And I got a photograph with her, so I'm happy."

Is she fer real?

The FCC Story That Would Not Die

Ap_cher_billboard_070605_mn I need to rephrase that: this is the boring story that would not die. Cher swore on TV. First it wasn’t okay; then it was okay; now it’s not okay again. I’ve culled the pertinent details (in my estimation anyway) from the USA Today story by Joan Biskupic:

“A Supreme Court ruling Tuesday that upholds a prohibition of expletive outbursts on broadcast originated with a case over an appearance by Cher at the 2002 Fox Billboard Music Awards show in Las Vegas.”

 “A divided Supreme Court on Tuesday upheld a federal prohibition on the one-time use of expletives in a case arising partly from an expletive uttered by Cher at a Billboard Music Awards show in 2002. The ruling, by a 5-4 vote and written by Justice Antonin Scalia, endorsed a Bush administration Federal Communications Commission policy against isolated outbursts of, as Scalia said from the bench, the "f-word" and "s-word." The ruling does not resolve a lingering First Amendment challenge to the 2004 policy that is likely to be subject to further lower court proceedings. Tuesday's decision reversed a ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit that had said the FCC's decision to sanction "fleeting expletives" was arbitrary and capricious under federal law.

[I hear “fleeting expletives” and I think of a cartoon of a sprinting “foul” word.]

That lower court had agreed with Fox Television Stations, which broadcast the Billboard awards, that such isolated utterances are not as potentially harmful to viewers as are other uses of sexual and excretory expressions long deemed "indecent" and banned by federal regulators. Dissenting were liberal Justices John Paul Stevens, David Souter, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer. In a statement by Breyer, signed by the others, they said the FCC "failed adequately to explain why it changed its indecency policy from a policy permitting a single 'fleeting use' of an expletive, to a policy that made no such exception."

The policy dispute had been shrouded by partisan differences and moral overtones of what is best for young viewers.

[Yeah but what’s new?]

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