
I love how Cher calls Trump a Capture  

Cher made lots of news in Twitterland over the summer.

She supported John McCain

She tweeted a slapdown over DACA that made news:

She tweeted about Houston

Over the summer she also made news tweeting about selling her sister for time in a swimming pool:

I have a pool phobia over pools with pictures, designs or elaborate tiling in the bottom (long story) so it would be hard for me to swim in that pool.

And was just loved in general for her Twitter skillz.

"For the uninitiated, Cher is a pop icon who also happens to be the Queen of Twitter. There is not a single social justice issue that Cher has not advocated for on the microblogging platform….Cher understands better than anyone else that using emoji is just how we communicate in the modern era… And she does it better than the rest of the internet…It's truly a modern-day miracle. It's like how Jesus fed 5,000 people with five loaves of bread and two fish, except now it's Cher transforming 140 characters into entire essays…But here's the kicker: Cher is 71 years old! She's already done enough for the culture."