So the Christmas album, huh? That was fun!

The bad thing about Christmas albums is that they have a short shelf life for hits and appearances. They end abruptly at the end of the year.

So anyway, where were we?

We were cataloging Cher’s TV appearances that’s where we were, specifically the TV and concert specials.

I’ve been looking forward to doing the early 1980s specials, Cher in Concert from Monte Carlo (1981) and Celebration at Caesars (1983). They are so under-appreciated and yet so unobtrusively crucial in the  timeline of Cher’s slow transformation into becoming a rock singer by the mid-to-late 1980s.

The shows were so important, I kind of procrastinated starting these summaries. I had pages and pages of notes!

Here we go with the rougher but still deliciously ambitious Monte Carlo show!